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Wife Gets Upset With Husband For Saying Pregnancy Is Mother’s Job To Deal With


OP and her husband, Jake, had been happily married and recently discovered she was pregnant. However, when she asked him to help turn off lights before bed, Jake refused and said it was expected of her to handle household chores, even during pregnancy. He argued that he works hard and she should handle everything on her own, claiming that he wouldn’t help or baby her, as it wouldn’t make her a good mother. Hurt and upset, she yelled that she wished she knew how he felt before getting pregnant. Jake left for the night, and his mother and sister blamed OP, insisting she apologize to him. Feeling conflicted, she reached out for advice.


The situation sheds light on an apparent lack of understanding and empathy from Jake towards his pregnant wife. The protagonist’s emotional response seems justified given Jake’s insensitive stance. The pressure of traditional gender roles, combined with the expectations placed on expectant mothers, has sparked a heated conflict. OP’s decision to leave for her parents’ home reflects her need for support and understanding during this tumultuous time.

OP and her husband, are excited about expecting a baby and plan for a baby shower after sharing the news with their families.


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Two nights ago, Jake refused to help with turning off the lights, insisting it was the protagonist’s responsibility, and later went on a hurtful rant about her pregnancy and expected duties as a mother.


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When she asked for his support, he defensively claimed his hard work provided for their future children and that it was her duty as a mother to handle everything.


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OP expressed her regret over not knowing his feelings before pregnancy, Jake left to stay at his mother’s house, while his family demanded an apology from OP for his return.


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OP asks if she was an a-hole for doing what she did. She explains in the edit that the Redditors made her realize many things and she will be taking her time to make a decision.


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The story raises important discussions about communication, emotional support, and equality within relationships. Readers may empathize with OP’s struggle and hope for a resolution that acknowledges the importance of mutual support and understanding in a partnership.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.

People are suggesting OP run.

A husband always has to offer to help.


We do not know how will he treat OP and her baby.

Almost all of the Redditors are suggesting OP terminate the pregnancy.


Sure thing.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? You know that your feedback means a lot to us therefore we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section down below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

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“He ate 3 toddlers.”

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