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Wife Wants To Divorce Her Husband Since Her Son Has Autism


Divorce can be a difficult pill to swallow.

Even in this day and age, people who have been divorced are still looked down upon. However, it is not as common as it once was, and the stigma associated with divorce is gradually fading. That is not to say that divorce is always a good thing, but it is sometimes the only option. In an ideal world, no one would marry without thoroughly vetting their partner, but that isn’t how the real world works, and you may end up with someone who isn’t who you thought they were. Not only that, but people change over time, and you may fall out of love with someone you once adored.

But marriage isn’t just about love. In this case, for example. The poster of this story has not fallen out of love with her partner. At the very least, that isn’t the only reason. The most important reason is that their partner is not who she thought he was. He was revealed to be a walking talking red flag. No matter how hard we try, these red flags can sometimes elude us because we tend to see the person we love through rose-coloured glasses. But she is still unsure about the divorce, owing to her autistic son, whom she believes deserves better.

You can read the entire story by scrolling down.

Source: Reddit

The autism does come into play.


To be fair, her son is the main reason she isn’t divorcing the guy.


But we will go through all the reasons she hasn’t divorced him yet in detail.


Her son has autism and apparently, he is a great father.


He would also be in trouble if she left him.


Him finding a job wouldn’t be easy either.


He also takes care of everything at home.

But now we get into the reasons she wants to leave him.


He is apparently quite the manipulator.

But the biggest thing is that he has raised a hand against her.


They are also not attracted to each other at all.

She was in a sensitive place when they got together.


So she does see all the shortcomings now.

But she is worried that her son will hate her if she does this.


I was reading through the points and thinking that this is fixable if they put in more effort and go to relationship therapy until I read about him physically hurting her. Gaslighting and manipulation are both terrible, but raising a hand towards your partner is heinous. And while it may have only happened once, once that line is crossed, things only get worse. While she may think he is a wonderful father for the time being, no one knows what will happen if she stays married to him. I believe she should leave him as soon as possible. This is one of those things that cannot be forgiven.

People in the comments however advised her to leave him as soon as possible.

This is the point that sticks out to me as well.


He is not a good person let alone a good father if he physically hurts someone.

If you or someone you know is in a similar situation, please seek help. It might not be as bad as I make it out to be right now. You may even think I’m being dramatic, but you deserve better than an emotionally and physically ab*sive partner. There is a lot of assistance available, and I am confident you will find it once you take that first step.


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