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Wife Refuses To Let Her Sister-In-law Wear Her Wedding Dress To The Prom


A prom can be a memorable event for a teen.

There are some occasions in life that are once in a lifetime, such as your high school prom or your wedding day. That is why many people put in a lot of thought and work during those days. Many people also spend a lot of money to look their best on that particular day. And when we talk about prom, we can’t forget about the outfit that person will wear on that special day. Whatever their gender, most children enjoy dressing up and taking pictures to add to their memories. So it’s no surprise that there are many places where you can rent prom dresses, especially if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on a dress that you’ll only wear for one day.

There has recently been a trend of wearing your parents’ wedding gown to the prom. This is obviously not possible if the wedding gown is very elaborate or all-white, but it may work if the gown is a different colour. It is up to the parent whether or not to allow their child to wear the dress. However, asking your sister-in-law if you can wear her wedding gown is quite strange. I’m not saying you aren’t allowed to ask, but they’re also not obligated to let you. That is the type of problem we are dealing with in this story.

Scroll down to read the rest of the story.

Source: Reddit

A wedding dress is usually quite personal.


And OP’s dress is quite dear to her.


So when her in-laws were hunting for a dress for their daughter, she gave them some good advice.


But it didn’t end there and they once again broached the subject.


This time they stated they wanted to borrow her wedding dress.


OP wasn’t comfortable with this and said so.


However, this led to a tiff between her and the in-laws.

Even her husband took their side.


OP even tried to open communication between them.

But even that didn’t work and it has now ended up in divorce proceedings.


I’m sure many people are fine with lending their wedding gowns to others. However, many people place a lot of special meaning in their wedding gowns and don’t want anyone to use them arbitrarily. And, while it might have been okay if the girl was the same size and could wear it as-is, changing the dress permanently seems like a tall order. And the fact that the entire family feels entitled to the dress is revolting. It may have appeared to be a minor issue at first, but the fact that it resulted in a divorce is quite surprising. To be fair, these minor details may indicate that the relationship will not work anyway.

People were quite surprised by the events as well.

Her husband wasn’t at all supporting her.


I am not at all surprised that they are going to be divorced.


Well, she definitely did just this.

What are your thoughts on the outcome? Would you have guessed there would be a divorce at the end of this story? What would you have done in this situation? Would you have lent your sister-in-law the dress? Comment below to let us know, and don’t forget to share this article with others so they can share their own stories as well.


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