Our bodies are strange, peculiar things. Not just in the way they function, but in the way they maintain themselves also. Take our eyes for example, they do not view things properly, but instead, they see everything upside down. Our brain then turns that image upside down once again, so that it’s right side up, and we can make sense of it. Another thing our brain-eyes do is when we turn our gazes really fast, it completely deletes the movement from memory so that we don’t get nauseous.
It’s pretty much an understood thing that our brains work weird, and our eyes work weirder. A lot of times, they complete the image themselves using their own resources, which is why a lot of times people think they see movement out of the corner of their eyes that’s not really there.
Or is it?
Probably not. Anyway, look at all these well timed illusions!
#1 Singer top, dancer bottom.

#2 Long arm

#3 Moustached.

#4 Gallery of big books.

#5 Tree windows.

#6 Man on the pole.

#7 Screaming bird.

#8 Tiny body

The unfortunate thing about this is that the dress is actually really pretty. It’s jsut bad luck that the background is dark and somewhat blends her trims with the darkness, making it look like she’s got a comically tiny body and a comically large head. Either way, I’m glad I saw what I saw because I can’t unsee it and I do not want to.
#9 Spiderman

#10 Camo puppy.

#11 Big pigeon.

#12 Floating trash

#13 Floating girl.

#14 A party of heads.

#15 Cow cat.

#16 There’s no ice cream.

#18 That’s not flour.

#19 The castle is in the back.

#20 This is a top-down view of a farm field, not the matrix.

This is one of my more favourite images on the internet. The soil is dark, the crop is vibrant green, and if it wasn’t for the farmer, I wouldn’t have noticed. The Matrix was one of the most culturally signifcant movies of its time, revolutionizing the Scifi genre as well as the whole take on reality bending niches. With Matrix 4 coming out next year, everyone is pretty excited.
#21 He’s sideways.

#22 The camel isn’t that big, the bushes are just closeby.

#23 Chewbacca beard.

#24 Reflected dinner.

#25 Interviewing the crow.

#26 A carpet.

#27 Minecraft sheets.

#28 Dual headed.

#29 Playing with portals.

#30 Sunbathing.