No matter how many guides, books, or blogs you read on parenting to prepare yourself, the real experience will always be something. Parenting is a major challenge and can take out a lot of your energy as a mother or father, but in the end, it is always all worth it. Imagine spending the entire day trying to make that perfect cake to cut for your anniversary, and just as you are ready to hold the knife with your husband for the celebration, your daughter sitting in your lap raises her left arm and brings it down at full speed on the cake, smashing it entirely. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is exactly what parenting is.
But don’t you worry. If you are a parent who has experienced such disasters taking place in your house (which are lowkey cute), we have got 9 psychological tricks for you parents to apply that will make your kids always listen to you. Yes, now you are interested, right parents?
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1. Get all their focus and attention.
Try to get their focus and attention towards you, but how? Our kids are always interested in either playing games or arguing with each other. The key is to take the help of a brilliant tool we all know as “politeness”. No matter how loudly you shout at your child, he or she may never listen to you. But a soft touch to the cheek or a light pat on the back will always work like a charm. Try it and see your baby be all over you in a flash.
2. Fulfill your need of giving them too much knowledge…but only by using so few statements.
We try to let our kids know all about it because we like the idea of an informed child but it will never be possible if we enhance their knowledge the way we do it in the case of an adult. Out little ones have a very tiny memory chip so try to use as few words as you can to explain big things. This is a tough one but once you get the hang of it, your kid will get a better hang of what you tell him/her.
3. Use “when-then” phrases to enhance their confidence in their own ability to do things.
It is very normal for children to hesitate to try new things or resist doing something they feel they won’t be able to do. In such cases, try using phrases that contain the terms “when-then” to create a link that would result in one event being a motivator for the next. For example, “Honey, when you are done with your homework, we will then try cooking a dish together for the first time.” Try and be surprised!
4. Know your own habits.
Evaluate your personality from time to time. Look out and try to realize if you are yelling at your kids. They feel powerless and very emotional when you do it…and that makes parenting worse. Accept, if you realize it, that you yell and start working on it.
5. To make them listen, whisper the conversations.
The tone of your voice is everything to your child. Whispers trigger happy hormones in our children. Their attitude gets polite, their behavior becomes open. They start listening to you, more and more of it.
I absolutely love these psychological tricks and I hope you guys are too. Our children are our everything and we would do anything to see them happy. These are ways that will result in your children being happy as they are bound to notice the effort their parents are making to make sure their kids listen to them.
Let’s go through some more effective psychological tricks! Scroll down below to continue reading!
6. Listen to your kid!
Communication is a two-way process. Although, at a very young age our kids don’t make any sense of what they are saying (exceptions exist), but still always listen to whatever they have to say. Make them feel their say is as important as anyone else in the house. What will that do? Because you listened to your child with full interest, your child will listen to you with the same level of attention.
7. Accept the fact that you always have to face the consequences of your actions!
If your child is not listening to you, know that you made an error somewhere. They won’t say it, you will have to make them withdraw those emotions by sitting with them and having a heart-to-heart conversation. But before you go sit with your cute son or daughter, please know that what happened was a consequence of your own actions. And the happy outcome that comes after the repair will also be because of your good actions.
8. Accept your child as he/she is.
Please, do not build expectations. Let your child be who he/she wants to be. Parent them, and teach them the difference between right and wrong, But in this upbringing process, do not enforce yourself on your child. Do not demand what you want them to be, instead cherish them for who they are.
9. Have them take their own decisions.
Don’t feed instructions to your child because that way you will have to keep feeding them a thousand times and they still may forget a bit of it. Ask questions instead, have them assess the situation, and think of ideas to come out, to resolve it. Tweak them as they go along and you will never have to teach them about that particular thing again.
Teach your kids about safety, about ethics, about life this way and they will retain it!
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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Via HeraldOf
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