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50 People That Made Their Neighborhood Worth Living With Their Acts

Neighbors haven’t really had a nice impression before the world, until today.

I don’t think it is possible to avoid at least one interaction with your neighbors unless of course, you reside in Antarctica. Selecting a neighborhood can be a real challenge. You really wish that you get some really chill and funny neighbors who don’t like to poke noses but also like to build a positive relation, slowly and over time. Such neighbors make the whole neighborhood more interactive and immersive, you will engage in conversations. But not everyone manages to get such immunities.


Some people tend to get stuck, if that’s the right word’, in neighborhoods where all your neighbors are a direct Godsent from hell. Their basic purpose to live is to make their neighbor’s life a living hell and the motives behind such efforts are yet to be identified. I would really like to know if you have discovered some. Although the exciting neighborhoods are lowkey but think of it this way, do you really want to live in a boring space or a joyous one?

Today we are going to show you guys 49 examples of people who got lucky and got a really funny neighborhood. A community that can spark you up and makes your dim day a lot better.

1. This person’s neighbor got a Narnia yard as they forgot to turn off the water sprinklers and they ran overnight as the temperature dropped below the dot.


Via avtec

2. They adopted the neighborhood’s stray cat who was then impregnated by a neighbor’s cat. They sent child support.

Fam, this is so cool!


Via chasingadalia

3. Meet cool boy Carter. He knocked on his neighbor’s door to ask for a banana and left right after.


Via Theone211

4. Every neighbor likes to live life in their own unique way.


Via Ecclessis

5. Their fire station is next to their local police department and they love to make the best out of it.


Via EnemyInMe

6. Don’t we all want such kind neighbors? I hope they didn’t find it out the hard way.


There is very little time to exploit profits in an efficient market, as they say.

Via ekoorb12

7. Nothing too crazy here. Just a random neighbor having a random meeting at 3 a.m… with watermelons.

I am sure there must be a bigger picture holding a solid agenda that we all are missing.

Via PotatoWifi

8. This person’s neighbor has a messed-up turbine that causes it to make a very loud, annoying noise. He went to investigate and to his surprise…


Via makenzie71

9. You have got to deal with it somehow when they use “please”!

Not sure how effective this methodology is going to be but it is what it is.

Via PoopThoughts

10. Oh my god, that’s how everyone should deal with neighbor fueds.

This is so brilliant. I want to do this so bad but I also don’t want to ruin my lawn.


Via therealsix

11. A very uncomfortable picture of a dog peeping at next-door neighbors which for some reason looks very comfortable at the same time.

You know they love peeping if there’s a window. If not, they will create one.

Via verguy

12. Person signaled his 93-year-old neighbor, who couldn’t speak English, to get them a scarecrow for their yard. This is what he put up.


Wow! How did you find yourself such a cool neighbor? You must be really lucky.

Via Muegra

13. This decorated tree is known as the lawn penis in the neighborhood. A classic!

Via bosscher47

14. Thanks for the heads-up, I am sure they will all take good care of the matter.


Via SmokeyBare

15. Just two neighbors having a one-to-one.

Oh look they have an audience as well.

Via wahday

16. This neighbor is a huge Pokemon fan and a tractor freak. He loves taking his kids out on the tractor to catch pokemon and take halts at pokestops.


Why don’t I have neighbors like these?

Via Zephon_Asianne

17. This cheeky neighbor. I would brick it even after knowing it.

Via Reddit

18. Neighborhood banter! Look what this person did to their Mormon neighbor’s door.


Via suzy-queue

19. One has a kitten, other has rabbits. What happens when they meet? Drama!

Via mattstillbust

20. People kept striking balls against his wall so this neighbor came up with an improvised solution.


Via blackmomba

21. These neighbors walk their birds every day.

This is the commitment and devotion I strive for.

Via hamdangled

22. Person who was having a super bad day spotted this adorable sight in their neighbor’s yard.


Via katyourmom

23. Even the trash pandas in their neighborhood often come by to say hi.

Via c-root

24. This neighbor actually froze their snowball from winter to hit other neighbors in summers. This is the evilest thing ever.


Via RendeRiot

25. Well they did paint it, to be fair.

Via aquabird

This has got me curious. I want to see how it feels to be part of such an elite neighborhood. It must require a lot of energy and I don’t think any egos can survive here.

26. Think again if you thought this is a microwave. This is a mailbox.


Just rich neighbor things.

Via Ophthalnurse

27. Imagine having a neighbor who has decorated their front yard like this.

Via woundedstork

28. This person put a tap on their trashcan to cover a crack on there. Their 92-year-old didn’t get it and thought everyone is labelling their cans with their house numbers. So this happened.


Via Your_Local_Engineer

29. When your neighbors give you a heads-up that they will be filming a movie in their house. This is the car that turned up the next day.

Not the type of film you thought it was, now was it?

Via Revircs

30. Spotted on a dorm door. Have no stress, here have some pot.


How could they have not expected such a response…so hilarious!

Via K011in

31. These neighbors put these amazing decorations for Halloween and never took them down, just kept making some minor adjustments for every holiday that came next.

Can you guess which holiday these skeletons are enjoying?

Via Point21Gigawatts

32. When seasons decide the house boundaries.


Via artisandesarts

33. It is always nice to let them know in advance.

In my neighborhood, they would party so loud all night long and apologize the next day by saying, “Oh, it was our son’s bachelor party”.

Via kels9413

34. Very casual.


Via SidewalkFlavoredSoda

35. A what?

Via CaptainKernow

36. If you can smell…


Via poldridge

37. This neighbor installed one way mirror to reflect the high beam coming from the other people’s floof flights.

Via sheriffearp

38. Simple and to the point.


Via lapresdmididufaune

39. Who ruined your day, doggo?

Via seethroughdinosaur

40. This is where Jack Sparrow lives when he is not on a mission.



41. Be careful when you wish for an exciting neighborhood.

Via LCS9492


Via RainbowSherbertShit

43. Now that is how you depict your neighbor is extremely cool.

Via AgentVT

44. Man even gifted condoms.

Via Imgur

45. This neighbor has been growing a whole ass planet in their semi.

Via EZ_does_it

46. With a smile.

Via Fleecebeaver

47. Unique neighborhood celebrations continue.

Via camrell25

48. Alpaca got rick rolled into thinking that’s a real stag.

Via Feelfreetopee

49. Drunk neighbor.

Via NugNug86

50. Disclaimer.

Via louisxxx

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