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14-Year-Old Demands To Be Treated Like An Adult, Mom Obliges

In the early 2000s our way of living was simple. We would eat, play games and sleep and consume a lot amount of sodas. That was all we had and all we did that at the age of 13-14 and believe me it was good. We would have sleepovers and wait for our favourite game to launch. When it would get launched, we would play them for hours. It ead the time of utmost joy.

I would not lie when I say that many of us did the most stupid things in that time. Many of us wanted to be on our own and do things our own way. I guess it’s every teenager’s instinct to be on his own self. But guess what? It does not come without consequences. At that time, I told my mam to stop treat me like a kid. She agreed and changed her behavior accordingly. It was a win for her and a strugle for me. Scroll down till the end if you want to read my story and know what exactly happened.

1. Seems like a normal happy family



Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

2. Little birthday is lucky to have such a cool gift in those days


3. That’s what every teenage human do, you all agree right?


Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

4. Finally they be giving their children some relaxation


Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

5. Cereals are survival essential


Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

6. Something fishy is going on


Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

7. Get up you shouldn’t miss terminator


Thus is where the story gets interesting. At this point, we want to ask you if you have ever done some thing like that and failed at your end? Also, are you enjoying this story? We hope you are, keeo scrolling till the end to know what happened next to the helpless boy who wanted to be treated like an adult. Do not forget to read peoples’ comments at the end, you would love to read what they had to say.

Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

8. You should have woken up little kiddo

Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

9. This is getting interesting


Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

10. The whole story in a nutshell, if some of you didn’t have the time to read

Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

11. Better not chose any thing if you can not handle the consequences


Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

12. Tell them what they insist on. They learn this way.

Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

13. A user had a great story of himself to share with us


Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

14. Hilarious

Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

15. Being on your own is the worst of adulthood


16. This is actually true

Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

17. Moms are always the real heroes


Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

18. We hope that

Via u/BuckTheF**kNaked

Well, people are right about the guy. He must have thoughtt about the consequences first. But in that age of life, every one is impulsive and do not think rationally. The mom taught the boy a great lesson by treating him the way he wanted to be treated. Did your Mom ever did any such thing to you? If you have related stories to share, feel free to barge in the comment section. Stay tuned with defused if you want more funny content.


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