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Karen Mistook This Woman For A Server Just Because She Was Friends With The Manager

Karens don’t have the concept of friendship.

Every time you go to a restaurant, you can easily distinguish the servers or the management from the customers. Mostly, the serving staff would be wearing a uniform and the chefs and the managers would be at the back office. I know you guys must’ve been to a restaurant at least once in your life. Let me ask you this if you are not a Karen, have you ever mistaken a customer for a server? Let’s say you have because even though they have a distinct uniform, we’re humans and human error is something completely natural. Perhaps you mistook a customer for a server because they happened to wear the exact same colors as the servers’ uniform, if we are strictly taking the outfits into account, the error is a possibility.


Now here’s the follow-up question. Would you ask them if they are a server or would you just assume they are one and start ordering or going ham on them if you are in a mood to complain? A sane person would say no because they would most probably start the conversation with an “Excuse me, are you one of the servers?” But if you have the mentality and self-awarded entitlement like that of a Karen, you will not ask such logical questions and would get rude to a customer you mistook for a server because they are not responding to you.

That is exactly what happened in today’s story when the friend of the restaurant’s manager was mistaken for a server by a Karen and she would just refuse to understand the fact that she is not a server but the friend of the manager. This one is a proper drama.

Scroll down below to read what happened.

1. If someone remembers an event that took place almost a decade ago, it is going to be worth going through.


Via u/I_am_dean

2. A group of friends went to a restaurant for a nice meal and the manager happened to be their friend. They are bound to get some good quality food.


Via u/I_am_dean

3. Looks like we’ve just spotted a sticky Karen at the restaurant who might be in a little misunderstanding because OP was wearing clothes similar to those of the servers at the restaurant.


Via u/I_am_dean

4. Karen totally took her for a server. That must be awkward for OP.


Via u/I_am_dean

5. Okay, now she is being loud with OP for absolutely no reason. Should at least “ask” if they are a server before going ham but they are a Karen so this behavior is understandable.


Via u/I_am_dean

6. Ah, finally the manager came to the rescue and cleared things up for Karen. The matter is most probably resolved now.

Via u/I_am_dean

7. Sike! Karens are born with little to no brain cells so she continues pushing asking how the manager knows her if she doesn’t work here. I mean?


Via u/I_am_dean

8. This woman has no regard for the concept of friendship. None at all.

Via u/I_am_dean

9. OP should consider herself very lucky that Karen dismissed her.


Via u/I_am_dean

I am still not sure if Karen gt a grip on the fact that restaurant employees have an outside life. I think she actually believes that the employees at all restaurants were born in the restaurants to work in them and they will all die while working there. Newsflash Karen, have a life and they have friends; people that have a liking towards and can trust. But Karen wouldn’t know, she probably has no friends. This inconsiderate lady was one of a kind because I have actually never seen a person be so dramatic and dumb just because they had no concept of friendship. Only Karens, ladies, and gentlemen. Only Karens.

10. It was all OP’s fault for knowing the manager.

Via classiercourtheels

11. The community collectively acknowledged that the woman’s behavior was terrible.


Via Det_Munches

12. You must’ve taken approval from the Karen community before wearing what you wore.

Via MrHupfDohle

13. How dare you, OP?


Via Hai_Hai_Hai_Hai_Hai

14. They actually believe the management has no life outside the restaurants.

Via Stephenrudolf

15. The truth has been spoken.


Via Jayvee1994

16. How dare you even thought of making friends, you lesser humans?

Via lesethx

Why do you guys think people like this Karen assume what they think will be absolutely correct? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


What do you think?