You will never find a more overconfident person than a Karen.
For anyone who has been living under the rocks, a person is referred to as a Karen when they exhibit very negative energy. They basically think no one is above them and that sense of superiority makes them believe that no one is right but them and whatever they do is right, everything else is beyond them. The number of Karens on planet Earth has been growing at an unprecedented rate and anyone who is not a Karen tries their best not to cross paths with one because their annoyance and stubbornness can really ruin your day.
So Karens are a big No because they won’t budge no matter what you do unless you are a muscular office worker who doesn’t give two bucks about entitlement.
Today’s story is about an office worker who was at a restaurant giving their manager a party and just when they were about to leave a Karen comes out of the restaurant and shoves her car keys in the hands of this person, mistaking them for a valet, and keeps ordering them to bring her car without having any idea who they were. The employee got pissed and threatened to throw her car keys in the gutter. Wait till you read the whole thing, you are going to love it.
So what are you guys waiting for? Scroll down below and read what happened and you will find more elements than just entitlement that caused this situation to arise.
1. Who pissed this guy off?
Via u/keyboardbill
2. OP is an old man who looks young and is going to share a story from almost 2 decades ago.
Via u/keyboardbill
3. They, along with other office employees, gave their manager a retirement party at a restaurant. That is sweet.
Via u/keyboardbill
4. They had a really good time at the party and were now saying their goodbyes outside the restaurant and you would think that would be the end of it but no.
Via u/keyboardbill
5. Uh ho, a Karen approached OP and looks like the conversation didn’t go too well, as we all would expect.
Via u/keyboardbill
6. Keys? Is she gifting him the car?
Via u/keyboardbill
7. No, she mistook her for a valet servant and kept forcing him to bring her car.
Via u/keyboardbill
8. Just like any other person, OP got pissed at Karen repeatedly asking them to get her car for her.
Via u/keyboardbill
9. The employee snaps and tells her they will throw the keys in the gutter if she kept shoving the keys at him.
Via u/keyboardbill
10. Who gave her the right to just come up to someone and start bossing them around?
Via u/keyboardbill
11. It was it moment that Karen knew she mucked up. And that other element I was talking about up there was “racism”.
Via u/keyboardbill
12. It is disappointing how part of the reason why Karen behaved with this person the way she did was that OP was black. Period.
Via u/keyboardbill
13. She should’ve been held accountable there and then for what she did.
Via u/keyboardbill
How does one come up to a random person boss them around, and utters racial slurs after being put in place? This is such a sad reality of this world and very little to no efforts are being done to fix this problem. You see, it does leave an impact, and a very significant one. OP might’ve forgotten this event had it only been about the whole car keys drama but as they mentioned, it was that racist term that the lady used that he still remembers that event so clearly.
I swear if I was them, I would’ve snatched the keys out of her hand after she called me that word and would’ve actually thrown it into the gutter, or even better, I would’ve thrown the woman in the gutter. What a disgrace to society.
Let’s look at some of the comments on the story:
14. She deserved it.
Via latents
15. The bitter truth. I personally believe that number would be much higher if we take the whole of Earth into account.
Via ChefInF
16. I hate this sad reality of our society.
Via joblo619
17. Even better, toss her in the gutter.
Via Wizard_of_Wake
18. That would’ve taught her the lesson. Her opinion about OP wasn’t going to change anyway so.
Via redpandaeater
19. Innovation at its best.
Via SquidmanMal
20. And there is no forgiveness for that.
Via brideofgibbs
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.