The subreddit “I Don’t Work Here Lady” is infamous for stories in which old white women, also known as Karens, mistake customers for employees. Their entitlement makes them deny all realities and refuses to believe the clarity that the customer provides. Such stories ultimately end up with the customer getting injured, Karen getting arrested for her criminal approach, or a combination of too.
But the story we have got for you guys today does not follow the subreddit’s norm. It is very different and filled with wholesomeness. Yup, that fully excited you because we are unfamiliar with the word “wholesomeness” when reading stories on the IDWHL subreddit.
Reddit user u/Kjeldoriann, a resident of New Zealand, was in London enjoying his vacation. One day while roaming around on the streets he noticed a guy struggling to carry some be*rs so he offered to help. The two carried the bottles to a music venue for a concert later on. As OP put the bottles there, the guy told him to start setting up the bar and left for a while. The guy had basically considered OP his employee and OP didn’t deny it either. He gave it a thought for a second and then continued setting the bar up.
Soon the bar staff started to arrive and they all assumed OP was the manager as he was already present there. The owner was still nowhere to be seen. OP began instructing the staff and initiated things. That’s when the owner returned and the first thing he asked OP was if he was part of the staff. OP responded by saying no, he was only trying to help as he had seen him struggle on the street. The owner loved OP’s generosity and offered him free drinks.
Scroll down below to read the story!
1. In a world where it is so hard even to find a vacancy, this dude accidentally got a job. Wow, let’s find out how this happened.
Via u/Kjeldoriann
2. While OP was having a good time on the streets of London, he saw a guy struggling with carrying be*rs to a venue so OP asked to help.
Via u/Kjeldoriann
3. OP helped the guy get the bears to the music venue who then asked him to set the bar up. OP simply started following the instructions and got commended, as well, for good work.
Via u/Kjeldoriann
4. While the guy was away and OP was still setting the bar up, he gave this situation a thought and decided to keep working there. He approved of getting accidentally hired.
Via u/Kjeldoriann
5. OP continued on with his job as the bar staff started showing up closer to the showtime.
Via u/Kjeldoriann
6. The staffing policy was probably to hire workers temporarily because none of the workers recognized OP and considered him the manager for being present at the bar before everyone.
Via u/Kjeldoriann
7. OP had some experience working in a bar previously so he initiated things by assigning roles to everyone.
Via u/Kjeldoriann
8. Finally the owner returned back and finally realized OP did not work for him. OP told him he only helped out of generosity as he saw the guy struggle with the be*rs.
Via u/Kjeldoriann
Honestly, so wholesome. The world is still filled with kindness. It was really nice of OP to help the guy and I feel like the experiential excitement made OP want to work with the bar staff. All in all, a wonderful story and I am sure the owner felt really good when he told him that his intention was to help.
Let’s see how the whole story ended. Scroll down below to continue reading!
9. The owner thanked OP by offering him to enjoy the concert together and free drinks.
Via u/Kjeldoriann
Here’s what the internet had to say about this:
10. That is exactly what happened!
Via KrymsinTyde
11. On priority, this request!
Via MERC399
12. Safe to say, everyone loved OP’s experience.
Via oldspicehorse
13. Oh my god, this! The internet is filled with those kinds of stories.
Via Reddit
14. OP really was a happy man that day.
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Dog tax.
“This lil’ girl’s face has gotten more white every year but her smile hasn’t changed.”
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