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19 Intelligent Animals Who Are Too Smart And Quick-Witted

Our pets are incredibly intelligent. They know exactly what they need to do to acquire the best treats, and they’re masters at drawing attention to themselves. And some four-legged geniuses succeed in getting what they desire by devising genuinely amazing schemes. A nice example of their logic is a dog’s idea to imprison the cat in the bathroom so it wouldn’t bother him.


Defused has long recognized that if our dogs could talk, we’d converse to them about a variety of complex topics. And here are 22 examples to back up my claim.

1. “A stray cat mother brought her baby to the emergency room.” Doctors and paramedics assisted the child and transported them to the veterinarian.”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted

2. “She’s learned that pushing the button makes the box warm. I think she spends most of the day like this while I’m out.”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted

3. This pitbull took out its stuffed animal to show the dog in the other vehicle.

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted

4. “This is Chuck Norris, and he hasn’t learned to meow. But he knows how to swat at this houseplant to get attention.”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted

5. “He’s incredibly proud of his job.”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted

6. “A new command, ’show me your tongue’ — my dog learned it on its own without us knowing and performs it as a response to any object in a hand that looks like food.”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted

7. “My cat and I have been together for 14 years. I’m pregnant, and she’s not only tried to ’incubate’ my stomach, but has now built a hidden nest for me to give birth in.”

8. “This is Billie and she’s putting the keys away on the table as was requested.”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted

9. “Pauly knows how to say ’hello’ and ’mama,’ can whistle, bark like a dog, and meow like a cat.”

10. “My dog gets treats when I go to my desk. I’ve accidentally trained her to be my supervisor. This is her waiting in my office for me to stop eating lunch and get back to work.”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted

11. “When I instructed him to get off the shelf, he made this look.”

12. “He steals the TV remote so we give him more attention.”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted

13. An example of when you don’t need to explain something twice

14. “They deliberately spill their water because they want me to turn on the bathroom faucet.”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted

15. “This neighborhood dog comes to greet us every day when we get home to get some snacks. He knows that he’s very cute, so this trick always works.”

16. “I told my dog to lay on the chaise. He’s a retired service dog, so he knows he has to follow orders. But he also knows that he can do things his own way.”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted

17. “He’s my best friend and the best nanny for my daughters. He’ll walk with them, remind them to eat, and make sure that everything is in order. He’s so clever that he even knows for sure when it’s better to act like a fool.”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted
18. “My cat’s kittens have grown up a bit, and I started to litter train

them. When they wake up, I bring them there, and I repeat this
all day long. So they’ve used their litter box a couple of times…”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted

19. “I was laying in bed when I heard that the shower door was shut. This is what I found when I got up to investigate.”

20 Animals Who Are Devilishly Smart and Quick-Witted
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