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Coworker Sent Inappropriate Texts To Woman, She Forwarded Screenshots To HR, Coworker Lost His Job

It takes a lot of courage to speak up against workplace harassment.

You accept it or not, workplace harassment is a thing and women face it the most. It’s not easy to assess how to deal with workplace harassment and most women prefer to ignore it and do nothing to stop it because they know, it would not stop and management would not take any action against it but good companies do take action against the harasser. A Reddit user got a text from a coworker late at night. She used to think he is a good man until she received those inappropriate texts. Her opinion changed after that night. Scroll down to know how inappropriate the texts were and what OP did. This is a guide to dealing with inappropriate workplace behavior. So, if you are a working woman, do scroll down and give it a read.


1. OP (lesbian) got an inappropriate text at 3 am from her coworker who was married.


Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

2. He sent OP a naked selfie and OP thought she would handle it on Monday.


Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

3. OP ignored his messages but replied to his messages on Monday:


Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

4. OP wrote in the email to only contact her during regular working hours.


Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

5. The coworker got really mad and sent her a text again but OP emailed it again:


Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

6. The coworker stopped texting OP but came to her desk to speak to her:


Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

7. OP thinks that she was a bit of bitch for dealing with the matter this way.

Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

8. OP is thinking to forward the emails and the conversation to HR.


Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

9. OP sent an email to HR and HR called a meeting the same day.

Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

Reporting a harasser did not only save OP but saved so many other women that he might be harassing or could harass in the future. It’s important to report such people because this pattern of harassment would never stop until he gets served the lesson he deserves. So, kudos to OP for dealing it with confidence, courage and integrity.

10. OP thinks that she has also helped other women by reporting the matter to HR.


Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

11. A friend of OP told her that this person also sent her a nasty pic.

Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

12. OP’s friend sent HR the screenshots of the text exchange between her and the coworker.


Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

13. The coworker was fired and escorted out of the building.

Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

14. OP thinks that she might be the asshole in this case for:


Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

15. People recommended OP to report to HR when she did not report him.

Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

16. This Reddit thread is a guide to dealing with Inappropriate workplace behavior:


Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

17. NTA. OP is a strong woman who put an AH in his place.

Via: u/businessbittch/ Reddit

Have you ever faced workplace harassment? If the answer is “yes”, share your experience with us and tell us how did you deal with it?


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