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20 Hilariously Cute Pictures Of Kids That Show How Hard Parenting Is

Being a parent has never been easy.

While most people are sort of expected to have kids, it is definitely not for everyone. I understand that kids are a gift and many people absolutely adore them but we can’t forget that they are human beings. And I have always said that they act like drunk humans which is appropriate since we have to take care of our drunk friends as well. All they do is eat, sleep and poop. However, there are moments when you look at your child and fall in love all over again.


Because while parenting might be hard, it is also worth it for many people. To see your child grow up to be a completely unique human being and see them applying your teachings to their life is one of the most rewarding experiences ever. This feeling is what makes all the hassle and sleepless nights worth it. That is why today we have brought some of the good and the bad sides of parenting to show you the truth.

You can see for yourself by scrolling below.

#1 Where did the legs go? Did they deflate somehow?


I wonder how the baby was able to get his legs out of the pajamas and into his onesie.

#2 I don’t know how to feel about this one.


Our daughter recently turned one year old. I had to give my wife credit where credit is due.

#3 When your kid has a lot of free time and wastes your time by making you cancel your meeting.


#4 I don’t mean to be rude but are we sure this is a baby?


I mean the kid either looks surprised to see the rays or something else is happening here that I do not want to know.

#5 Yes, this girl is wearing her mother’s socks with her face all over them.


#6 When you want to cook but you also have a baby.


#7 I think this is his first time seeing this card.


Had a big chuckle at this photo my wife snapped of our 3.5-week-old daughter and me during our match. How are you enjoying building a nerd?

#8 When you stay at home with your kids.


#9 Okay, this is adorable.


I love that anytime I’m nearby she has to have some kind of contact with me. Also, baby toes are the best.

#10 This is some genuine ingenuity.


Found while cleaning out old photos; they would all scream for food at once so the best thing I came up with was to do 3 bottles simultaneously.

#11 That is how anyone feels after a sugar high.


If you have never raised a child then these pictures are actually quite the true representation of what it is like. It might seem like children are all rainbows and sunshine all the time or the complete opposite and are always crying but the truth is somewhere in the middle. Their emotions can be quite volatile, so you never know what will happen next. But that is half the fun of it.

#12 Her son wanted to give her a scare with a toy dinosaur in front of a  baby monitor.


#13 How does one dress more like a girl?


How my wife dressed our daughter the day after the teachers at daycare told her we should really be dressing her more like a girl.

#14 This girl has gone through a lot in school.


#15 This is lovely and quite adorable.


#16 I would have had a heart attack if I saw this.


#17 They clearly didn’t want to take this picture.


My preemie twins (28wks) turned two today! I guess they’re not as stoked about the milestone as mom and I are.

#18 After you eat some really good spaghetti.


#19 Who needs a DNA test when you have this picture as proof?


#20 This is truly heartwarming.


My daughter has an irrational fear of hair clips, but she said wouldn’t be scared if I did it first. So here we are.

What is the weirdest thing have you ever caught your child doing? Comment down below to let us know as we would love to hear from you.


What do you think?