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30 Hilarious Conversations Of A Father With His Daughter

Father Daughter Conversations

The relationship between a father and his daughter is extremely beautiful and a very pure one. Normally we associate fathers with sons and mothers with daughters. But if you ever observe the relationship between a father and a daughter, you will notice that the father is extremely protective and caring. However, there is a factor of hilarity as well that makes the bond extremely joyous.


One thing about children is that they say the most unexpected things or have the most unique answers to every question or situation. James Breakwell decided to spread the joy that he received from the conversations he has had with his daughter by sharing them on the internet. These conversations are extremely hilarious and unexpected. And I am sure you guys wouldn’t be able to stop laughing at them…all while being confused.

Scroll down below to enjoy these fun-filled moments that will cheer you up for sure if you haven’t been having a great day.

1. Almost every single button but not “B”.


Via James Breakwell

2. Whatever I possess, I own.


Via James Breakwell

3. Clean is just not the way I am used to seeing it so I don’t like it.



Via James Breakwell

4. The 7-year-old makes a good argument.


Via James Breakwell

5. Why haven’t they declared themselves BFFs already?


Via James Breakwell

6. At least the girl knows we won’t be living for long.


Via James Breakwell

7. I really don’t like the sound of that but I must say, I kind of want to try it.

Via James Breakwell

8. For a baby, anything reasonable starts from infinity.


Via James Breakwell

9. It may have taken James some time to recover from this one.

Via James Breakwell

10. I am with you on this one, 11-year-old.


Via James Breakwell

11. They will have a thousand tricks up their sleeves to convince their parents…always.

Via James Breakwell

12. She did have two pieces of candy, three times.


Via James Breakwell

13. He probably didn’t do a great job raising his kids, that is why she asked.

Via James Breakwell

14. Modern problems require modern solutions.


Via James Breakwell

15. Come on Dad, she wanted you to say “Let’s go out”.

Via James Breakwell

I am in love with this duo. The conversations are so adorable, cute, and extremely hilarious. This father-daughter bond is like a standard every father, in general, should follow. And the best part is the daughters, in all the stories we have read so far, are more hilarious than the father. That is just mindblowing and outstanding.

I know you guys cannot wait to read through more stories and neither can I. So what are we waiting for? Scroll down below to continue enjoying!

16. Try to find a thousand of them every day till college starts, that should do.


Via James Breakwell

17. An alarm on repeat every 10 minutes.

Via James Breakwell

18. When it comes to money, you cannot trust anyone.


Via James Breakwell

19. Oopsie, she forgot.

Via James Breakwell

20. See you in court, squirrels.


Via James Breakwell

21. You don’t even know what to look for, Dad.

Via James Breakwell

22. It really do be like that sometimes.


Via James Breakwell

23. The practice round doesn’t count.

Via James Breakwell

24. That is enough reason for me, I would have given it to her.


Via James Breakwell

25. Okay, carry on then.

Via James Breakwell

26. That is a high-degree burn, cold water will not work.


Via James Breakwell

27. That is the best you can do.

Via James Breakwell

28. But she likes it exactly where it is going.


Via James Breakwell

29. The Dad should have told her to be scared because the angry pumpkin would now come in her dreams.

Via James Breakwell

30. Now that I think about it, I feel sorry for horses too.


Via James Breakwell

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via jaker2343

Cat tax.

“I think my cat is trying to summon a demon.”


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