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22 People Shared Hysterical Photos Of Their Shoulder Animals

Shoulder cats are the ones that have mastered the art of sitting on shoulders.

Having a shoulder cat is the best thing you can get. It is such a great addition to your personality as well as to your life. You can flaunt your cat among your friends. Internet users thought the same and decided to share the photos of their shoulder cats on the internet. A lot of people took the challenge and started following the trend. Not only did the cat owners share the photos of their cats but this trend was so pleasing that other pet owners also decided to join it and share the photos of their animals sitting on their shoulders. Here, we have compiled 17 photos of shoulder cats and 6 photos of other shoulder animals. We hope you would enjoy going through these photos. Scroll down and enjoy!


1. “My dreams of having a shoulder cat have come true.”


© Gearing4vr / Reddit

Man, you own a beautiful shoulder cat.

2. When you have two shoulders, get yourself two shoulder kittens:



3. “Shoulder cat will be fun, they said..”


They said it right because we can see that on the cat’s face. She is having fun!

4. When you and your cat both love travelling:


© uizal / Reddit

5. “I see your shoulder cats. I raise you crown cat.”


© CatUnderYourLegs / Reddit

Proudly presenting the crown cat.

6. “Here’s my toothless one-eyed shoulder cat.”


© oh_helloghost / Reddit

That fits perfectly on your shoulder.

7. “I see your shoulder cat and raise you a head cat.”

© Infinite-Wrongdoer / Reddit

Meet the furious head cat.

8. “I heard something about “shoulder cats”?”


© beapledude / Reddit

Selfie is a must with shoulder cats.

9. “Are we still doing shoulder cats?”

© AbstractD***a / Reddit

When you own a shoulder cat and try taking a selfie with it.

10. When you are a shoulder cat and you love sleeping on your human’s shoulders:


© BarontheBlack / Reddit

11. “Went to the shelter to look at dogs, they didn’t have any there but once this lil girl saw me she started pawing at her cage. Now I have a new forever friend :)”

© bmoneyyy9 / Reddit

Who knew this little girl would turn out to be a shoulder cat? What a pleasant surprise! You can’t force your cat to sit on your shoulders. A cat would only sit on your shoulder if it is its will and once they master the art of sitting on your shoulders, there is no going back. Your shoulders would be their favorite sitting and resting place.

12. Here is a lovely shoulder cat with beautiful green eyes:


© Mr__O__ / Reddit

13. Angel and devil sitting on the shoulders:

© johnrinehart / Reddit

14. “Behold the glorious whiskers of shoulder cat”


© spiewak1990 / Reddit

15. Photoshopping your shoulder cat is a fun thing:

© jonmatttomben / Reddit

16. “Shoulder cats are cool and all but what about pocket cats?”


© lemurcatta85 / Reddit

They are the coolest and fit perfectly in cargo pants.

17. Batman or catman?

© Dyemor / Reddit

Other pet owners also decided to join the trend and show their shoulder animals. Scroll down to see some of the hilarious photos.

18. “Does shoulder duck make the cut?”


© LakeOntario1 / Reddit

This wild wood duck loves taking a seat on her shoulders.

19. “I see your shoulder cats, is it too late for a shoulder baby Opossum?”

© allyboo1620 / Reddit

20. Forget about shoulder cats. Meet shoulder dog:


© damacile / Reddit

21. Meet Azu, the shoulder snake:

© Abductedagain / Reddit

22. “I see your shoulder cat and raise you a shoulder rooster.”


© CodyDon / Reddit

23. “What about a mouse?”

© _jon_bovi / Reddit

This little baby fits perfectly on the shoulder. Do you have a shoulder cat or any other animal that loves sitting on shoulders? If yes, do share photos of your shoulder animals in the comments section down below!


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