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Customer Claims To Be Allergic To Milk But Orders Latte With Cream

When you are working at a restaurant, it is important to take the customers’ concerns and preferences regarding the food seriously.

Some people might have some serious allergies, they may even die due to one mistake. While there are people with serious allergies, there are some entitled Karens who are just faking allergies everywhere to get some attention. They would go to a restaurant and tell them that they are allergic to certain ingredients just because they do not like the taste of those ingredients. This is not right; such people make it difficult for people with real allergies.


A Reddit user who works at Starbucks has shared her story. A lady came to her and told her that she is allergic to milk and she wants a latte but with cream instead of milk. OP asked her again what she wants and she told her that she wants a latte with cream and OP told the lady that cream is made of milk and the lady said: “no, just give me a latte with cream”. Scroll down to read the complete story.

1. OP works at Starbucks’ drive-through and a lady came in and told OP that she is allergic to milk.


Via DOS_Deficiency

2. This conversation happened between OP and the lady:


Via DOS_Deficiency

3. The lady then left saying:


Via DOS_Deficiency

People with allergies can get a severe reaction if they eat or drink what they are allergic to and this lady was VERY ALLERGIC to milk and wanted a latte with cream. Girl, are you kidding me? How is it possible that she never got any reactions after drinking a latte made of cream? It is obvious that she was not allergic to milk, she just wanted a latte made with cream instead of milk. She wanted to enjoy a latte but OP showed her what happens when you lie.

4. Jalapenos are not peppers, okay?


Via DOS_Deficiency

5. This person used to work at Subway and told his coworker to make a vegan sandwich for him:


Via DOS_Deficiency

6. We just discovered that olives are meat and they come from animals.


Via DOS_Deficiency

7. When you are allergic to peppercorns and the restaurant adds ground pepper to your food:

Via DOS_Deficiency

8. A lot of people fake allergies and make life miserable for themselves and for others.


Via DOS_Deficiency

9. If you do not want a specific ingredient in your food, just tell them not to add it instead of making this allergy drama.

Via DOS_Deficiency

10. When you tell someone that you are allergic to something, make sure they understand what your allergy can cause:


Via DOS_Deficiency

11. Snow is not made of water. We have another discovery, guys.

Via DOS_Deficiency

12. Honey does not have sugar.

Via DOS_Deficiency

13. When they show an ingredient in the pictures and tell you that it is not included in the food:

Via DOS_Deficiency

Have you ever met someone in life who has faked allergies? If yes, share your experience in the comment section down below.


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