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Dad Asks Reddit If He’s Wrong For Cutting Off His 7-Year-Old Daughter’s Hair, Gets Mixed Reaction

Nobody ever said that being a parent was easy. And this is especially true if you are a single parent. You have to stop living for yourself and you have to look after your child till your death.


Nothing can truly prepare you for the challenges that come with being a parent. So it’s only natural that we’ll make some mistakes along the way.

The challenge became real for Reddit user u/Imnotyourbuddytool when it came to caring for his 7-year-old daughter’s hair. He recently asked for feedback on how he dealt with a situation with his daughter on the r/parenting subreddit. The Redditor’s daughter had lovely long hair, but she refused to care for it. Any attempt to brush the 7-year-hair old’s resulted in a tantrum or she would simply walk away and refuse.

As a result, the single father warned her that if she did not take care of her hair, they would have to cut it off. Tired of the daily struggle, our OP went ahead and cut his daughter’s hair to just below her shoulders.

The little girl was obviously devastated, and our OP was left wondering if he had done the correct thing. The Reddit community, as normal, had plenty to say about it, so keep scrolling to see how they reacted and make sure you watch it till the end otherwise you are not going to get the whole point here. Good Luck!

1. She had beautiful hair but she refused to take care of it

The Redditor's little girl had lovely long hair, but she refused to take care of it.


2. Any attempt to brush the 7-year-hair old’s resulted in a hissy fit, or she would simply turn her back and refuse.

Any attempt to brush the 7-year-old's hair would result in a tantrum, or she would walk away and flat-out refuse.


3. What do you think was it unnecessary to cut her hair short?

So the single dad warned her that if she didn't take care of her hair, they would have to cut it off and one day, fed up with the daily struggle, our OP followed through and cut his daughter's hair to just below her shoulders.


4. The little girl was certainly devastated, and our OP was left wondering if he had done what was right. It’s up to you guys to let us know.

Of course, the little girl was devastated, and our OP was left wondering if he had done the right thing.


Here’s what Redditors had to say about this

5.  Yes, that’s exactly the point she’s seven only.

Here's how people reacted.


6. My mom also did this to me


7. Maybe OP should have warned her one last time

8. OP you have a lot of work ahead of you to retrieve from this


9. Point to be noted

10. Here is some wise advice


11. An apology can fix things here I guess, take her for an ice-cream or gift her something she want maybe?

12. Yeah OP overreacted a bit


13. What is wrong with you?

14. OP should have handled it in a better way


15. The OP provided an update and some further details on the situation.

The OP provided an update and some further details on the situation.

16. He clarified that he had been attempting to persuade her to cooperate for the past two years.

He explained that he had been trying to get her to cooperate for two years already.


17. Not everyone is alike

And he even tried taking her to a salon.

18. OP stated that he would never do such a thing again and has since apologized to his daughter.

He said he would never do something like that again and that he has since apologized to his daughter.


19. That’s what everyone should do

The single dad acknowledged that it's always best to act with a

20. OP thanked the community to help him clear things

He thanked the community for their responses.


What are your thoughts on how our OP handled this situation? Do you believe he overreacted, or do you believe his actions were justified?

One thing is certain: every parent makes errors. It can be difficult to know what to do in the heat of the moment, and none of us are perfect. Let us know what you think about this post in the comment section below, and don’t forget to like and share it with your friends and family. Stay tuned with Defused for more content. Thank You.


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