
Boss Gets Mad At Employee For Being On Vacation And Having The Work Phone Off

Bosses can be some of the most horrible people.

Being a boss can be hard work but a good one isn’t really that difficult. If you’re in a higher position compared to all the people around you, ”kindness” is a word you need to understand and basic empathy is always welcomed. If your employee is on their leave or they have a day off, that means they’re no longer answerable to you. It’s called a ”day-off” for a reason and asking your employee to work on their vacation is nothing short of a crime. So today’s story starts with Op turning off their work phone while they were on a leave and their boss giving them a hard time for not picking up. In a Reddit AITA thread, Op asked fellow Redditors about their opinion on this entire situation. Let’s have a look at this.



Op tells us how they’ve been working for this company for almost two and a half years now and how before their vacation they were working with a different team. During the vacation period Op had their workphone off.




2. The supervisor had quite a annoynece with Op and Op was waiting for a little time off since a while now to see their niece.



3. While Op was on a vacation they were getting a call from this unknown number, now Op was really busy with their family. Op turned off their phone only to wake up the next day to find a slew of voicemails.



4. It was the supervisor and he wasn’t in the calmest of moods. Threatening Op with their work and making Op’s life miserable. So this led Op to make this AITA thread.



This is what the Reddit community had to say.



Reddit agreed with Op’s take on things.



They asked Op to contact the HR department for all the blackmailing Op received.


However this person sided with the opposition.



And with that we conclude this article. We personally think that Op did nothing wrong and should had been worried about their job when they were on a leave from work and anyone who tries to disrupt their off-time should be reported to the HR department so action against them could be taken. This comes out as highly unprofessional from the supervisor’s side and nothing like this should be allowed no matter what your position is. Comment down below if you’ve ever faced something similar, in the comment section below.


What do you think?