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Neighbor Is Not Okay With Pet Pigs, Sparks A Debate

Pigs aren’t usually a pet.

I know a lot of farms keep them but that is different than letting a pig roam around your house. I am not saying that they shouldn’t be kept as pets but that it is not as common as say cats or dogs. Now if it is legal in your country to keep a pig as a pet, then it is absolutely fine. However, not everyone around you will be okay with it. Especially since there is a lot of misinformation when it comes to pigs.


Pigs are indeed smarter than dogs but not a lot of people actually understand this. And since a lot of people love pork, they do not really want to think about it. However, pigs can be great pets but they do require a lot of care. You need to have a big home especially since pigs can grow up to be quite big so ample space is needed for them to roam around. That is why you usually only see them on farms.

So it really isn’t surprising that a neighbor called out this pet owner for having a pig. You can scroll below to see how the conversation went.

Source: Reddit

This is the conversation that started it all.


Honestly, it really isn’t that surprising that the neighbor didn’t want a pig around the apartment complex. While it is true that pigs aren’t inherently dirty but it is also false that pigs do not smell. Even humans smell and all animals have a distinct smell. Pigs also have a weird smell that they secrete in the form of an oily liquid. However, it is no worse than dogs. And if they’re kept clean, then the odor can be minimized.

And when it was posted on Reddit, people had a lot to say about keeping pigs as pets.


A lot of people came in with information about pigs.


And how they aren’t inherently dirty animals despite the misinformation.


While some people delved deeper about the whole smell debacle that pigs have.


Some people even shared their personal experiences with pigs.


At the end of the day, pigs are quite smart.

Pigs can be quite clean as long as their owner helps them.


Pigs also don’t like to be picked up which is fair enough in my opinion.

Nobody likes to hear a negative word about their pet and that I can understand.


Pigs can be trained but that doesn’t mean it is easy to train them.

There were also a few people who thought the whole conversation was fake.


What are your thoughts on keeping a pig as a pet? Do you think it is unethical to confine them to a small home? Or do you think it is perfectly okay as long as they get the care they need? have you ever thought of getting a pet pig? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this tore with your friends so they can join in the discussion as well.


What do you think?