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Husband Sells The House His Ex And Their Kids Lived In And They Blamed Him For Making Them Homeless


Balancing child-rearing duties in a marriage can be tough, especially after a divorce. Parents must navigate separate households, different routines, and communication challenges while putting their kids first. Recently, a divorced dad faced a tricky situation with his ex-wife over their children’s responsibilities.

His ex lives in their old house with her two kids from a previous marriage and their two shared children. He pays child support, and she pays him rent for staying in the house. She also works and receives support from her first husband. But, she stopped paying rent five months ago.

Despite this, he still pays child support and has mortgages on both houses. When he confronted her, she argued that her rent was like child support to herself. To ease his financial strain, he sold the house quickly. Now, she’s upset, claiming he’s risking their homelessness. Yet, he points out she’s saved $8,000 by not paying rent.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: Effective-Bread354

1. Let’s find out!


2. OP’s then-wife along with her kids from a previous relationship and their kids live in his old house.


3. The arrangement is that OP pays her child support and she pays him house rent.


4. For almost half a year, she hadn’t made a single rent payment which put OP under a lot of financial stress.


5. She argued to not pay the rent which left OP with no other option but to sell the house.


6. The ex-wife did not like this decision at all.


7. She declared OP for being the reason why she and her kids would go homelees. She countered by saying she had $8,000 in her bank by saving up on those 5 rent payments so she would be fine.

OP is NTA. Lady left him with no other optio.  Shr was getting child support without delay and had also saved up a whopping eight grand by not making rent payments. OP was under financial stress amd seling the house made sense. She, on the other hand, has ample money to find a new space and begin with the lease. I am sure OP calculated all this pre-hand.

By the way, I am glad her status is “ex wife” and not “wife”.

Source: Effective-Bread354

The matter was taken to the courts of the AITA community. Here’s what the members had to say:

8. People assume too much.


Via Individual_Ad_9213

9. Lady what you did for five months is what is called unfair.

Via MasRemlap

10. She probably had plans to get a Gucci bag from that amount. Plans shattered!


Via ElishaAlison

11. OP was too nice to deal with the situation the way he did.

Via Glinda-The-Witch

12. And things will continue to run smoothly.


Via GingerWhoDrinksTea

13. I don’t know what part of this didn’t she understsnd.

Via MangoSaintJuice

14. This is a rock-solid advice that OP must follow.


Via offensivelypc

15. She can build a whole decision tree and she still wouldn’t be able to prove OP the AH.

Via atmasabr

16. Which, again, is not something acceptable because as a father he should’ve never been in such a position but the ex put him there so he can’t be called an AH for selling the house.


Via jrm1102

17. Legally he could’ve evicted her and she wouldn’t have had a single reason to turn his decision around.

Via davev9365720263

18. She would’ve been behind the bars.



19. I know right! OP was too generous.

Via DoogieLion

20. She was being a child. He didn’t do anything that would make her and her kids go homeless. It would be her own acts that would result in such a situation being created.


Via Broad_Respond_2205

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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