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Woman Asks If She Was Wrong For Throwing A Vegan Party For Her Daughter’s Birthday

Family drama ensued at this little girl’s 1st birthday party.

No parents will ever say something is better at parenting compared to them. Instead, they will find any point to criticize their way of parenting. They will make rough comments about the parents being too restricting, about parents being too careless, about being too spoiling, and so on and so forth. One thing they will never say is that a couple is good at parenting their child. You could say this happens because of the factor of jealousy. There is no other reasoning that explains this behavior. The judgments passed are seriously absurd.


In today’s story, Reddit user u/Specialist_Badger934 shared how they were criticized for having only vegan food at her daughter’s birthday party. According to OP, her daughter has a lot of food allergies and she wanted to keep the food healthy and safe. Her husband was also part of the party throwing tantrums at OP for the kind of food she had organized for the party.

Scroll down below to read what happened!

1. Who doesn’t love drama arising due to food?


Via u/Specialist_Badger934

2. OP’s daughter is highly allergic to dairy and eggs and any product that includes them.


Via u/Specialist_Badger934

3. Mother wanted to make sure that the food at her birthday party is safe for her daughter to freely eat anything on her big day.


Via u/Specialist_Badger934

4. That’s fair.


Via u/Specialist_Badger934

5. Standardizing the meal would really get that worry, of her daughter eating something wrong, off her head.


Via u/Specialist_Badger934

6. Turns out her own husband protested against the whole idea to keep the food restricted to vegan only.


Via u/Specialist_Badger934

7. Sounds like a delicious meal to me, not going to lie.

Via u/Specialist_Badger934

8. OP’s husband and in-law decided not to touch any of the vegan food cooked for the birthday party.


Via u/Specialist_Badger934

9. That is a genuine point.

Via u/Specialist_Badger934

10. OP was excited to spend cater a day all with her daughter but her own family members decided to be the major interruption.


Via u/Specialist_Badger934

11. Okay this edit does clear some things up. The only question I have is whether the in-laws were clear on this as well or not?

Via u/Specialist_Badger934

12. I like soup.


Via u/Specialist_Badger934

I would say the OP was NTA. She wanted to celebrate a day dedicated to her daughter. You know how important first birthdays are to the parents. She wanted her daughter to feel free on that day. And by free, it also meant that she could go to any table at the event, grab anything to eat, take a bite, and not get sick. But I actually cannot believe that the little girl’s own father didn’t agree to this. He was the real AH in this one, to be honest.

And yes, the ETA must be addressed. OP had referred to all non-dairy-and-eggs food as “vegan” which also made me think that everything would actually be vegan. But after the clarification, we come to know that her definition of vegan includes meat and all sorts of other stuff as well excluded her allergens only. Maybe if her in-laws and husband knew what she meant by vegan, they might’ve not created a hassle. But if they already did know and still created a hassle, well then they are all the biggest a**holes in the world.

Here are some of the comments on the post:

13. People turn their heads away like it’s poison.

Via u/Specialist_Badger934

14. They would’ve munched on that thing like hungry suckers.


Via u/Specialist_Badger934

15. They were all just being too dramatic.

Via u/Specialist_Badger934

16. I know right? Should’ve broken it to them after the party.


Via u/Specialist_Badger934

17. That’s exactly what I say.

Via u/Specialist_Badger934

18. Oh my god, this! The guy literally cared only about his pizza.


Via u/Specialist_Badger934

I hope you guys enjoyed this one. Share what you guys think about this, in the comments section down below.

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