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Dumb Boss Fires The Only Employee Who Knows How Operate Their Special Machine

Bosses don’t look good covering up for employees.

It just isn’t fair as the other employees will start feeling one of their subordinates is entitled to some privileges that they aren’t entitled to. And this creates an irregular field to play for all employees that negatively impacts their motivation to work at their full potential. As a good leader and boss, it is important for you to understand how important equity and fair treatment is. No, by this I do not mean that everyone should be given the same salary and no one should get promoted until all of them get promoted at the same time. Employees should be rewarded for their amazing efforts and that is also part of making the environment fair and equal. As a boss, you are creating a good environment for them to enjoy doing what they do.


Unfortunately, our community is filled with bad bosses who don’t care about this fair treatment. They only care about their power and feel entitled to do anything…even ruin lives. You know every society has to have an idiot, right? Well, in our story today, this is that idiot.

In today’s story, we have got a horrible boss who fired the only employee in the organization who knew how to operate a very special machine. Inoperatibility of that machine would result in serious damage to the business. And this boss, who was dumb to realize what he had done, did so to cover up for a dumba** who would keep breaking the machine over and over again.

Scroll down below to read how it went.

1. Get ready to expect some malicious copliance.


Via u/Warrior044

2. OP worked at a company from the energy sector and has good knowledge about what happens.


Via u/Warrior044

3. They barely had any competition in the market so OP landed a pretty good job.


Via u/Warrior044

4. OP, specifically, operates the company’s special measuring machine.


Via u/Warrior044

5. He learned all the nitty gritty of it and knew how to operate it within a week.


Via u/Warrior044

6. The measuring machine was key to the business’s overall operations and it was important that it kept working smoothly and consistently.


Via u/Warrior044

7. Seems like very few people know how to work with the measuring machine and Vladimir seems to be the most specialized.

Via u/Warrior044

8. Where Vladimir was the master in computer work, Antonio knew everything about the physical machine and could fix any issue regarding it.


Via u/Warrior044

9. Antonio decided OP would be the one he will pass his torch to. He knew everything about that measuring machine.

Via u/Warrior044

10. OP didn’t like the company for its problem with social groups that the employees would form. But he only cared about the money and experience so he wanted to work and didn’t want to get “involved” in anything.


Via u/Warrior044

11. Igor, a new person in the story, also worked on the measuring machine because it was the easiest to work with…and the reason why he got the easy job was his relations with the bosses.

Via u/Warrior044

12. Igor was super lazy and rude but that wasn’t a problem thanks to his links.


Via u/Warrior044

13. 6 months into his job, OP faced their first incident with the measuring machine.

Via u/Warrior044

14. Thanks to Igor’s laziness, OP had to do almost all of his work just so the overall order woudn’t be delayed.


Via u/Warrior044

15. When OP tried to confront him on not completing his order, Igor got rude.

Via u/Warrior044

16. OP discussed the matter with his boss but the senior management had to ignore the matter because Igor was at fault and they couldn’t say anything to Igor.


Via u/Warrior044

17. 6 weeks later OP has their second incident. This time the measuring machine breaks down.

Via u/Warrior044

18. OP reported the matter to Vladimir and their boss, and also took pictures of the damage for record-keeping.


Via u/Warrior044

19. It was Igor who messed the machine up and he wouldn’t agree.

Via u/Warrior044

20. With a month-long delay in fixing the machine, OP and Igor had a lot of work burden to take care of.


Via u/Warrior044

Connections must never force a leader to compromise their own integrity. No one could touch Igor because his brother was a good friend of the boss. That’s why Igor’s entitled self kept creating issues. And now with all that backlog on head thanks to the error made by Igor, it will be interesting to see how the bosses react.

21. Another issue comes up for OP and this time it’s with the order completion. He blames the machine for it…at first.

Via u/Warrior044

22. Of course, it was Igor’s entitled as*!


Via u/Warrior044

23. There were no reports that resulted in a deep search by Vladimir, the boss, and OP. Turns out someone had turned off the output. And we all know how it was. Still the boss didn’t’ do or say anything to Igor.

Via u/Warrior044

24. Boss went off at OP for “bullying” Igor and threatened him with a termination letter.


Via u/Warrior044

25. Boss demanded he make an apology and continue work.

Via u/Warrior044

26. The boss had left the letter at OP’s table which he decided to sign.


Via u/Warrior044

27. OP handed the letter to his boss and left his room.

Via u/Warrior044

28. The bosses realized they just kicked out their most important asset but it was too late now.


Via u/Warrior044

29. No convincing was ever going to work.

Via u/Warrior044

30. OP got called unreasonable and blocked his boss’ number after hanging up. Good response.


Via u/Warrior044

31. The matters just kept getting worse for the company after OP’s termination.

Via u/Warrior044

32. The bosses came under proper stress.


Via u/Warrior044

33. An investigation started. OP was asked to come in to have his statement recorded and he told every thing truthfully.

Via u/Warrior044

34. Igor and the gang of bosses all got fired at the completion of the investigation.


Via u/Warrior044

35. As OP found himself a new job, the company had to hire new people and pay huge sums to train the employees on how to use the measuring machine.

Via u/Warrior044

I hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Gingertumericlemon

Dog tax.

“Dumped at the shelter on the brink of starvation with five puppies, and a chest full of bb pellets. Now she is my gentle goofy girl who likes to tie herself up in knots on the sofa and sticks her tongue out when she’s happy.”


What do you think?