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Person Got Mad After Realizing Their Grandparent Named Their Dog After Her Sister

Getting opinions is always a good thing…or is it.

At times people who love you and care for you get upset because you didn’t take their opinion when taking something into consideration or account. Suppose you have a good friend who is really into cars and you get a new car without taking any opinion from them, they might not feel the best and may also feel bad that you didn’t take their opinion into consideration. Relationships are sensitive and it takes very little for them to crumble and break, this could be that “very little”.


Reddit user u/cedarsghost is one of those who wanted to take opinions from people before they did something and it was going to be something huge. They turned to over 4,700,000 community members of the infamous subreddit AITA to ask if they would be doing the right thing by asking their grandparents to change the name of their dog.

Reddit user’s grandparents recently got a highly energetic pup. And just because they thought of him as a troublemaker, they decided to name the dog after OP’s sister, and as you must’ve guessed by now, OP didn’t like that. OP believes her sister has a very different personality compared to that of the dog, and she is certainly not a troublemaker.

The question is, how will or will OP manage to convince her grandparents to change their dog’s name? Scroll down below to read the story and find out for yourselves.

1. Seeking validation from a very big community.


Via u/cedarsghost

2. OP’s grandparents got a new pup and were struggling to find a nice name for her.


Via u/cedarsghost

3. They decided to give it OP’s sister’s name which weirded OP out.


Via u/cedarsghost

4. And it also filled her brain with awkward thoughts that certainly didn’t make her feel any better.


Via u/cedarsghost

5. OP wants them to change the name but doesn’t know how to introduce the topic. That’s because she doesn’t know how will they react.


Via u/cedarsghost

6. OP really is in a major dilemma here.


Via u/cedarsghost

7. Confused sister doesn’t know how should she convince her grandparents to change the name of their dog from her sister’s name.

Via u/cedarsghost

8. So the sister feels weird too but not to a point that it makes her uncomfortable.


Via u/cedarsghost

I would say OP isn’t the AH. You can’t declare someone an AH for having emotions. She has bad thoughts about her sister’s name being taken when the dog will die, and she feels concerned that her grandparents think of her sister as a troublemaker. She is only trying to make a suggestion and will be trying her best to convince them into changing the name. There has been no mention of “I will force them to change the name” or anything, so I would say OP won’t be an AH for asking. Asking can’t be a crime.

Here are some of the comments on the story:

9. This person thinks it’s a terrible thing to do, name your dog after your grandchild.

Via u/cedarsghost

10. If the sister is fine, OP should be fine.


Via u/cedarsghost

11. OP should talk and do it as soon as possible. There could be something in her grandma’s heart that made her do this.

Via u/cedarsghost

12. That could work.


Via u/cedarsghost

13. Of course, OP can’t force them. It’s their dog.

Via u/cedarsghost

14. There’s nothing wrong with asking.


Via u/cedarsghost

15. OP is always allowed to express her feelings, no one can stop her from that.

Via u/cedarsghost

What do you guys think? Should OP ask her grandparents to change the name of their dog? Would that make her an AH? Share your votes and thoughts in the comments section down below.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Stay tuned for more!


Via Pawlii

Dog tax.

“Meet Anna! She was living on the streets of Italy before my mom brought her to Germany. Now she’s happy and loves her buddy Iluq.”


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