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50 Parents Telling The Reality About Parenting With Their Witty Parenting Tweets

There is no doubt that parenting is one of the most difficult (or some might even say “the most difficult”) jobs in the world. Whenever you are under the weather or completely exhausted, you have to do it even if you’re under the weather or totally exhausted. It’s a full-time job that practically consumes your entire life (weekends and holidays included). It is your responsibility to take care of one or more tiny human beings, which basically depend on you for survival, so in addition to making sure they’re well taken care of, you must also constantly make sure that you’re being a good role model, since your kids are your contribution to society, and it has to be positive.


Despite having a limited amount of time during the day, parents always find time to share the hilarious things they encounter while parenting and we are all grateful for that. It is hilarious to watch kids because they have no verbal filters, and they will tell you what they really think, even if it is hateful. There are so many funny Tweets from parents out there, but these are some of the funniest we have seen so keep on scrolling down to see 50 of the most hilarious tweets parents made and we will see you at the end of the article.

1. she sure is getting things done lol


2. They might be talking about each other’s soul lol


3. Just as many as you can


4. Sometimes all a kid needs is just some motivation lol


5. For real just until you have kids


6. Where did the idea of putting the orange juice back in the orange come from?


7. Poor kids got yelled at for nothing

8. The kid just wanted some attention I guess lol


9. Kids and their obsession with rocks

10. Dad it’s mine now!


11. Good luck ladies!

12. Mom should be an ice cream eater


13. Kids and parents are always on the opposite page

14. That’s one way to save candy money


15. Average sibling thing

16. Truck and rock sounds about right


17. Kids this is how you become the favorite child take notes

18. Sometimes you just gotta give yourself a shoutout


19. This kid got good humor

20. She is grateful for what she has


21. She just wants to talk about it

22. children for real


23. All the parents would like to see the science behind this phrase

24. And this is why you shouldn’t go hiking with your kids lol


25. That’s one way to introduce your enemy to your parents lol

26. Mom stop they are stealing our trash!!


27. puddles aren’t fun without shoes, wear shoes.

28. You should know better!


29. future is in big trouble

30. That’s one way to do it


31. For the real book wasn’t realistic enough

32. For real kids pick the weirdest Youtubers to watch


33. Mom said OLDER

34. The truth hurts


35. This is how you make up for forgetting about date nights

36. For real blood pressure goes up in seconds when your children tell you not to worry


37. Just improvise lol

38. Kids do the weirdest things


39. This 5yo doesn’t know how to say clementine

40. Newton’s 4th law no one knows about


41. Nat Geo should consider this idea lol

42. I can feel the pain this dad went through while writing this tweet

43. Nude stranger that strikes

44. Do they though?

45. Wait for the plot twist

46. Some weird things moms do lol

47. It is indeed a big part of parenting

48. We all want to know what happened next

49. Your tricks won’t fool this mom teenager lol

50. There is no concept of personal space in kids

This was it, folks, these were 50 hilarious tweets made by parents let us know what you think about it down below in the comment section, and make sure to like and share this article with your friends and family and stay tuned for more content like this with Defused. Thank You!


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