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Woman Asks If She Was Wrong For Not Driving Her Coworker Home

Sure, bosses can assign their workers tasks within the organization and sometimes with extra tasks too for while they are paid accordingly but once the shift is over, the bosses cannot interfere with what their employees do outside the organization. So, if my boss tells me to drop an employee off at their home while I leave, I am fully entitled to say “no” because that is not part of my job description and it may make me feel uncomfortable, unless it is a friend or a coworker I know well and I am willing to drop them off. The decision lies with me and no one else.


In today’s story, we have a woman employee who is autistic who asked the AITA community members if she was wrong or right for not dropping a coworker off at his home. Frank, a newly hired employee, is OP’s coworker who is also autistic and one day his mother could not come to get him from work due to some issues. The manager then decided to ask OP if she could drop him off. She felt very uncomfortable by just thinking of having a stranger in her car let alone dropping him at his house. So OP decided to lie on the spot and escaped the situation only to realize that the manager knows what she did and ultimately got called an AH for it.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down.

1. OP works at a shop that at the beginning of the year hired a new worker who was disabled.



Via u/Medium-Raisin-1382

2. OP too is autistic-like Frank but Frank requires more support.


Via u/Medium-Raisin-1382

3. OP doesn’t interact much with Frank because they don’t work at the same station.


Via u/Medium-Raisin-1382

4. The day Frank got hired permanently, there was no one from his family to come get him at the end of his shift and take him home.


Via u/Medium-Raisin-1382

5. Once all employees were done working, the manager asked someone to volunteer and drop Frank off.



Via u/Medium-Raisin-1382

6. Everyone instantly “not it’d” themselves out except OP.

Via u/Medium-Raisin-1382

7. OP was left to drop Frank home but they decided to lie on the spot to escape the situation.


Via u/Medium-Raisin-1382

8. OP was just not comfortable driving a stranger home.

Via u/Medium-Raisin-1382

9. OP shared the story about lying to avoid having to drive Frank home with a trusted coworker but the word got to the manager and she was disappointed.


Via u/Medium-Raisin-1382

10. OP got called an AH by the manager for apparently “abandoning and discriminating against a coworker in need”.

Via u/Medium-Raisin-1382

OP was NTA. The true AH here is the manager. Why did she wait for all the workers to be done with their work and ask them to drop Frank off? She could’ve also dropped him off, there wasn’t going to be anything wrong with that. She could’ve taken up the responsibility but she didn’t. So she has no right to bombard anyone else for not stepping up because the manager herself wanted to avoid dropping Frank home.

11. OP is the youngest person on the staff.


Via u/Medium-Raisin-1382

12. OP added an update to answer some queries of people who read the story.


Via u/Medium-Raisin-1382

Here’s what the internet had to say:

13. No boss can control what an employee does outside the organization. So OP was NTA by not driving a stranger to his home.


Via TouchGrassRedditor

14. No one should.

Via CellApprehensive7651

15. OP was also autistic and clearly the manager was not treating the two equally.


Via Limerase

16. The audacity was too high.


Via Aylauria

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your votes and thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!



Cat tax.

“Our Maine Coon kitten Hemingway’s shelter picture compared to one week after bringing him home.”


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