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Son Only Gets Treated As A Caretaker For His Autistic Sister By Parents

autistic sister

One of the biggest responsibilities of parents is to not love one child more than the other. That is because Child A did not do anything to deserve less love and Child B did not do anything to deserve more. It has to be equal for them all. If you have 6 children, all 6 of them should feel equally loved and if they don’t, you just shouldn’t have birthed them in the first place.


Speaking of negligence and divided love, in today’s story we have parents who demonstrated just that and broke their child who basically got zero attention and got made feel like he was a slave.

In today’s story, Reddit user u/Renegadesrule33 shared that he always used to get treated as a slave by his parents and his only purpose in life was to take care of his autistic sister. Everything would revolve around his sister and taking care of her. The parents would never for once show interest in their son’s life or make him feel he is a member of the family/house. This resulted in the son breaking down eventually and leaving the house and going to his grandfather.

How it all went down and what happened when OP reached his grandfather’s house is for you guys to read. Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. The title really does make OP sound horrible but we do not judge books by their covers out here.


Via u/Renegadesrule33

2. OP’s sister is autistic and requires a caretaker 24/7 as she cannot be left alone or day anything on her own at all.


Via u/Renegadesrule33

3. We are yet to know why but OP absolutely hates her.


Via u/Renegadesrule33

4. The autistic child always got all the attention and OP used to feel neglected right from the beginning.



Via u/Renegadesrule33

5. Not only is OP neglected but is also expected to take care of his sister all the time and gets punished by his parents, too, if he gives himself any time.


Via u/Renegadesrule33

6. This behavior just forced OP to think he is just a slave to his parents and sister as they didn’t seem to have any interest in his life.


Via u/Renegadesrule33

7. OP finally burst out when even his father’s jokes were aimed at him being his sister’s caretaker.


Via u/Renegadesrule33

8. What kind of parents are these? Such a divide in love is not so generally seen.

Via u/Renegadesrule33

Someone really needs to be by OP’s shoulder in this situation or else he will break irreparably. The parents who had one daughter mentally handicapped due to genetics and mutation would have a son mentally handicapped as well and this time it won’t be genetics doing it, it would be them who would do it. They will ruin his life forever. Things need to get better for him.

OP shared a mega update on the situation. Here it is:

9. As the internet took a lot of interest in OP’s story, he was ready to share what had happened since he last talked about things.

He was locked in a room and about to break into a million pieces.


Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

10. After reaching his saturation point, OP had since been living with his grandfather.

Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

11. Grandpa was shocked to know OP was basically being used as a slave at home to take care of his sister.


Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

12. This is actually really scary. The ignorance of the parents as well as the fact that OP was in danger being around his sister all the time.

Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

13. Grandfather is ready to hold talks…he is ready to support OP.


Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

14. Oh my god…they have been robbing family members in the name of their mentally ill girl…These parents should rot in hell.

Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

15. The week was rough but surely an eye-opener…and the one OP definitely needed.


Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

16. The talks finally happened and the parents hadn’t improved one bit. They were still their terrible selves to OP.

Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

17. OP decided to confront his parents about not using the funds they collected to hire a professional caretaker. The talks ended badly.


Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

18. OP took a major decision and decided to move in with his grandfather for some unknown period of time.

Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

19. OP is ready to go independent and his extended family is ready to provide all the support he required…support that was supposed to come from his parents.


Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

20. The incident made OP really mature. I love that.


Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

21. Best wishes for your future endeavors, OP.

Via u/Renegadesrule33 (update)

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via u/SAVertigo

Dog tax.

“The owner of these 2 doggos welcomed a mother and son duo into our home through a local rescue organization, and it’s clear that they are a bonded pair that cannot be separated.”


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