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Sister Refuses To Eat Nephew’s Birthday Cake Saying It Had Baby Spit All Over It

Smash cake

Little babies, especially those under the age of 5, carry a lot of infections, bacteria, and viruses within them. It all works towards the development of the child’s immunity. But if not dealt with this scenario properly, children can easily transfer these viruses and bacteria to other people and that can get really dangerous.

In today’s story, Reddit user u/Bright_Mango82 shared a story on similar lines. OP shared she was invited to her nephew’s first birthday. She mentioned her sister and BIL had organized a smash cake for the baby to smudge with his hands and face for cute pictures. However, after the baby was done with it, they grabbed the cake and served the same to the guests. OP felt extremely grossed out and refused to eat the cake saying it had the baby’s spit on it and could easily infect anyone who would eat it. OP’s sister felt bad about this and called OP extremely judgemental.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/Bright_Mango82

1. A smash cake? I wonder what that is. Let’s find out.


2. Oh! So, it is a cake that the baby smashes for cute pictures. Hence the name “smash cake”.


3. OP thought the smash cake would be for the baby to play and there would be another that her sister and BIL would distribute among all the guests to eat.


4. But no, after OP’s nephew was done manhandling the cake with his baby spit all over it, his parents began distributing the same cake to all the guests.

Would you actually believe that?


5. OP obviously declined to eat when the cake got served to her.


This is so gross. Imagine the amount of germs moving in that thing. None of those people should’ve eaten that cake because they have no idea how terribly the germs can affect them. They could have, maybe, gotten a little cake for the baby to smash and then served the guests another bigger cake. I am sorry, but I would never eat anything with a baby’s spit on it.

Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: u/Bright_Mango82

6. OP called eating the smash cake gross in front of his sister.


7. The sister got really offended and called OP judgemental for not eating the birthday cake.

Source: u/Bright_Mango82

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

8. Give her a taste of her own medicine to let her know what exactly was she doing on her daughter’s first birthday.


Via JasJoeGo

9. Imagine how terribly this could’ve gone for the old people at the party.

Via Fair_Text1410

10. See, that is how terrible transfer of infection can be.


Via ThrowAwayFoodMood

11. perhaps she is unaware. OP should sit her sister down and explain, very clearly, why she didn’t try the cake and called it gross.

Via 190PairsOfPanties

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via mavienoire

Cat tax.

“This little j*rk scared the h*ll out of me


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