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Guy Got Punched In The Throat For Rudely Grabbing A Person He Mistook For An Employee

The sole purpose of “I Don’t Work Here Lady” is an infamous subreddit that is filled with thousands of stories shared by people who once got mistaken for an employee even though they too were doing exactly what the mistaken person was doing. Sometimes, the story ends nicely after a crazy body, and sometimes they end terribly for the mistaken person because entitlement gets added to the process. In just 8.5 years of its inception, the page has gained over 1.3 million followers.


Today, coming straight from the subreddit, we have a story about a Reddit user, Nephyllem, who went to Target to grab some stuff. He was wearing a red shirt and khaki pants that made him look just like their employees. After being stopped quite a few times and telling those people that he doesn’t work at the store, OP got stopped by a tall, broad man. OP told him he didn’t work there and tried ignoring the guy as much as he could until he grabbed OP by his arm and involuntarily OP punched that customer in his throat.

After realizing what he had done and not knowing what to do, he just ran trying to hide from the guy. What happened next is for you guys to read and enjoy. All I can tell you is that you will not be expecting the end of this story.

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. OP went to a Target store to buy some stuff wearing clothes that looked similar to the store’s uniform.



Via u/Nephyllem

2. He did get stopped quite a few times but after telling them he doesn’t work there, people would move on…except for this one guy.


Via u/Nephyllem

3. The person who stopped OP was big and fit the definition of a gym bro perfectly.


Via u/Nephyllem

4. OP at first ignored the guy and then simply told him he didn’t work at the store.


Via u/Nephyllem

5. The customer got mad and tried to grab OP by his arm.


Physical contact, oh dear. How is OP going to respond?

Via u/Nephyllem

6. As a reflex action OP punched the guy in the throat with his free arm. Oof, that must’ve hurt.

Via u/Nephyllem

7. OP got extremely scared and called 911, telling them everything as well as the employees that were around him.


Via u/Nephyllem

8. The cops arrive at the scene and investigate the matter. They find the customer guilty, cuff him up, and take him away.

Via u/Nephyllem

9. Who gave him the authority to grab an employee? That was wrong.


Via u/Nephyllem

10. OP didn’t press charges because it was only going to require more effort. The throat punch was enough.

Via u/Nephyllem

What else did the customer expect to happen? Just like he didn’t expect that throat punch, similarly OP didn’t expect to be grabbed by his arm. It becomes a zero-sum game when such a situation arises.

And it’s not like OP just ignored the customer entirely. He was told by OP that he didn’t work there and that should’ve been enough for the guy to stop following him.

OP soon shared an update and it will take you by surprise. Here it is:

11. OP spotted the same guy while he was getting some breakfast from a co-op. OP thought he would be angry but he called out “sorry” to make him stop running away.


Via u/Nephyllem

12. OP stopped right in his tracks and walked up to him.

Via u/Nephyllem

13. His grandfather’s passing was his calling. He kept apologizing to OP for what he did.


Via u/Nephyllem

14. He just wasn’t having a good day that day…it happens.

Via u/Nephyllem

15. What started off as an aggressive interaction ended with full wholesomeness.


Via u/Nephyllem

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

16. Great job everyone.

Via CoolNerdyName

17. OP punches senses into him.


Via ErrdayImSlytherin

18. OP needs to be hired by the government to officially perform this task and make his country a better place.

Via SuperTrashPanda

19. I can’t with these Redditors. So hilarious!


Via dtdroid

20. I think he will have a sudden realization one day after being a successful person that “man, I really did need that throat punch”.

Via TsukaiSutete1

21. Took us all by surprise.


Voa RiflemanLax

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories.

Via RandallPinkFloyd

Dog tax.

“Girlfriend was attempting to make our puppy an Instagram dog. This was the result.”


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