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Entitled Mother Gets Angry At An Employee For Wearing A Swimsuit At Surf School

Some people enjoy flaunting their superiority complex.

I’m sure we’ve all seen people clutch their pearls whenever a kissing scene appears in a children’s animated film. At the end of the day, it’s not because they are religious or conservative; it’s mostly because they want to put other people down and will use any excuse to do so. While I believe in dressing appropriately for the occasion, that does not give anyone the right to shame you for not doing so.


Now, wearing a bikini to work in an office would be considered inappropriate. Wearing one while working at a surf school, on the other hand, is fairly common. After all, what else should you be wearing? Sweatshirt and joggers? And it’s truly awful when women shame other women for their clothing choices. I wish it wouldn’t happen, but it does. Although this particular story is quite amusing because the woman did not get the last word, which is always interesting to see.

You can see for yourself by scrolling down.

Source: Reddit

Right from the title, we can tell that this one is going to be a doozy.


We start the story off with some background information about where she works.


She was getting ready to leave when another customer appeared.


So she stopped what she doing and went to the front desk.


Rather than arguing, she does what she is told but the entitled woman still isn’t happy.


It was clear that the woman was ‘distracted’ by the employee’s cleavage.


It wasn’t her daughter who was self-conscious but herself.

That is when her co-worker jumps in to salvage the situation.


The woman wasn’t backing down no matter what thinking that she is right.

That is when the others join in as well.


That is when she takes it to a whole new level.

They try to make a joke out of it but the woman is clutching her invisible pearls right about now.


Mick was having a great time with this and continued with the joke.

But that is when the boyfriend shows up and the poster of this story decides to end it on a high note.


What did she expect to happen if she pursued this line of questioning? It’s not like she was fully clothed and chastising someone. Does the fact that she is a customer imply that she has the right to do whatever she wants? It’s clear that she was insecure about her own body and used it as an excuse to shame another woman. After all, if someone is more attractive than you, they must be promiscuous, right? I am relieved that she did not get the last word.

That was chefs-kiss.

I can only hope the daughter doesn’t turn out to be like her mother.


It was pretty obvious that she was feeling insecure.

What do you think about this story? Have you ever been in a situation like this before? What did you do in that case? Did you go after the other person or did you ignore them? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.


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