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Employee Gets Berated For Shutting Down Religious Coworker At Work By Saying “I Don’t Like Prayer/Blessed Language Directed At Me”

Religious Coworker

Religion is very personal.

People have their own perspectives on religion, and everyone looks at it differently. Furthermore, a significant number of people are atheists, meaning they believe in no religion or god. However, this is what freedom of speech entails, and everyone should be free to do whatever they want as long as they do not harm others. Finally, tolerance and understanding are essential for promoting peaceful coexistence among people of various faiths, or lack thereof. In a diverse and multicultural society, it is critical to respect and acknowledge people’s different religious beliefs. It is not acceptable to impose one’s own religious beliefs on others because everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions.


While I don’t want to ruffle anyone’s feathers, I’m sure most of us can agree that some extremists absolutely love imposing their religion on others. There is nothing wrong with strongly believing in something and being passionate about discussing your beliefs, but it can be annoying if you assume that everyone else follows your doctrine as well. And, while most corporations prohibit their employees from discussing or imposing their religious beliefs on others, many do so anyway. That is what the original poster (OP) of this story believed a coworker was doing, and she was not pleased.

You can read the entire story by scrolling down.

Source: Reddit

Right from the start, we can tell OP is tired of people pushing their religion on her.

OP is a Jewish/Atheist, and she is tired of Christians always pushing their religion on her.


OP also mentions that she realises not every Christian is like this, but when this also keeps happening at work, it is understandable she has no patience left for it.


So when OP got an email from her co-worker that ended with prayers, she was not particularly keen and said so in the reply.


She told her reaction to a couple of people, and most of them told her that she was rude and could have just ignored the mail.


Via Reddit

OP is not sure where she stands, as she thought she was somewhat polite in her response.


While she could have ignored it, she was bothered, so she wanted to make her stance clear on religious matters.


I’m not sure who is right here. I respect people’s religious or non-religious beliefs, but I believe the OP was hasty in her response. However, listening to religious talk all the time, even while working or reading an email, can be annoying.

I’m sure the coworkers’ intentions were not to push their religion on the OP, but she clearly didn’t think of it that way. All I can say is that, at the very least, this will not happen again, so it may be a win for the OP.

People in the comments were split when it came to the verdict.


Some were in support of her, as there is no place for religious emails at work.


No one should just automatically assume your religious stance.


Via Reddit

There were also some commenters who thought she overreacted.

After all, the co-worker was just trying to be nice.


Perhaps this will make the co-worker more careful about what they write in their emails.

I am sure it was shut down that hard since OP was still somewhat polite.


To be fair, some things are just habits and shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

Via Reddit

Okay, that is hilarious, and I would love to see their reactions.


I am sure people wouldn’t think the same if the email said something about Satan.

It does depend on perspective.


I can see how it would be weird to use the word prayer in a professional setting.

I really hope that this is the end of the story.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on how OP dealt with the situation? Do you think she should have disregarded the message altogether? Or do you think it was better for her to inform her coworker that she was uncomfortable with religious connotations? What would you do if you were in this situation? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.


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