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Guy Doesn’t Want To Let His Dad’s New Girlfriend To Meet His Childrens


When it comes to their children, parents have the right to refuse.

I’m not even talking about saying no to your children. Some may consider this to be controlling, but parents have the right to refuse to allow someone to see their children. Of course, I’m saying that it only applies to children and not after they’ve grown up. After all, keeping your child safe is the top priority for any parent. And because children do not fully comprehend how the world works, many things can easily confuse them. As an example, letting them meet your new partners every few months or so. It may not seem like much, but a child in that situation will be perplexed.


So, while this story isn’t as dramatic as the example I made, it’s still about a grandfather wanting his new girlfriend to meet his grandchildren. That sentence appears to be quite ordinary, and most people would not think twice about it. However, because OP’s father hasn’t been in a long-term relationship, OP doesn’t know his father’s girlfriend very well. In fact, He has never met her. But his father insists on allowing her to meet the children. As you might expect, neither OP nor his wife are excited about this prospect.

You can read the entire story by scrolling down below.

Source: Reddit

From the title we can tell that he hasn’t even been fully divorced yet.


This is quite a short and simple story with not a lot of details.


While I sympathise with his father, who was cheated on for a long time. That doesn’t mean OP has to back down from his demand. And I don’t believe the OP is being unreasonable. After all, he stated that he would meet the girlfriend alone before allowing her to be near his family. So I believe his father is simply asking for too much. This is a new person, and OP has the right to ensure his kid’s safety before allowing her to be near his family. So I don’t believe his reaction is unjustified.

However, it was still enough for people to make a judgement.


And most if not all of the people were on his side.


I can’t make assumptions about her intentions.


Although it is a bit weird that he wants her to meet the grandchildren so soon.


I do not sense a lot of toxicity here but that may just be me.

We can’t really say whether that is what she is.


However, it wouldn’t be surprising if she was just a rebound.

He might just wanna show off to his family.


That would make the kid very confused.

It is quite weird in my opinion.


At the end of the day, it is OP’s and his wife’s decision.

Some people also shared their own stories as well.


This sounds like a good idea if the dad agrees.

What do you think about all of this? Do you believe the father simply wants the new girlfriend to become acquainted with the family as soon as possible, and that the OP is being overly cautious? Or do you believe he is correct and has the authority to keep a stranger away from his children? What would you do if you were in this situation? Please let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.


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