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Entitled Woman Gets Angry At Her Roommate For Not Waking Her Up

angry at roommate reddit

Not everyone gets up early.

Some people, no matter how much they want to, are simply not wired that way. People who feel much more energised in the middle of the night than when they wake up are quite common, and I am one of them. So anything I have to do first thing in the morning is always a chore and not something I look forward to. Even if I set three different alarms, I used to sleep through them. That is why it is critical to experiment and see what works best for you. It can be helpful if you live near someone who gets up early and they wake you up if alarms don’t work for you.


However, demanding that they do so and becoming enraged when they don’t is taking things too far. That is precisely what is happening with OP and her flatmate. Because the poster of this story does not get up early, she is constantly in need of assistance from her flatmate, who gets up much earlier than OP. This arrangement worked well for them for a long time until the day the flatmate was busy at work and couldn’t wake OP up, causing OP to be late for work. Things got heated between the two roommates at this point, and words were exchanged.

You will see what I’m talking about once you scroll down.

Source: Reddit

The title doesn’t tell us much.


But the story goes into great detail on how things work between them.


Her roommate has been waking her up for a while.


But she wasn’t able to one day when she was busy at work.


It really does seem like OP is very ungrateful.


So the roommate stopped waking her up which is understandable.


However, OP thinks that she has a responsibility to do so.

I wouldn’t wanna live with this kind of person either.


She is still unsure whether she is wrong which boggles my mind.

I’m honestly surprised by this woman’s lack of awareness. I never thought people like this existed, but here she is. She’s talking about responsibility when she doesn’t have any. How does she think her flatmate is responsible for waking her up every day? It is very generous of her, but there should be no expectation. And insulting someone simply because they refuse to comply with your ludicrous demands is heinous. It’s not surprising that the housemate cried. So there is no doubt in my mind that the OP is clearly in the wrong here.

People in the comments however were quick to set her straight.


The answer is very simple in my mind.

I don’t think she understands the meaning of responsibility.


OP isn’t a child.

OP wasn’t commenting either.


It was just a favour at the end of the day and OP needs to understand this.

What do you think about this flatmate saga? Have you ever been in a situation like this before? If so, were you the one who woke someone up every morning? Or were you on the opposing side of the debate? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can participate in the discussion as well.


What do you think?

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