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Employee Complains About Coworker’s Food Smelling, He Bring Stinkier Food The Next Day

Stinky Food

Have you ever had a co-worker who complained about the smell of your food? If so, you might relate to this hilarious Reddit story by u/Darromear, who decided to teach his co-worker a lesson in a very petty way. OP shared how they got back at a co-worker who told him to eat his rice and adobo (a Filipino dish) in the kitchen because she didn’t like the smell. When OP didn’t pay much attention to her because he didn’t really like that coworker, she decided to report him to HR but didn’t get any success because literally, everyone at the office would eat at their desk because of their busy schedules.


OP thought it was time for some revenge now that he was cleared from the HR so the next day, OP brought a very spicy and pungent curry to his desk and let it sit there for an hour, making the co-worker suffer the smell.

Scroll down below to read the story about OP’s petty revenge and do share what you think about it.

Source: u/Darromear

1. A petty revenge took place at the office.


2. OP used to eat at his desk. One time while he was eating adobo, his coworker peeked out of her cubicle and asked him what he was having for lunch.


3. Clearly OP isn’t fond of this coworker who proceeded to say whatever he was eating was disgusting and smelt terrible. She advised him to eat it in the kitchen.


4. This is kind of a hilarious reply.


5. When the coworker went to HR to report OP, she achieved no success because literally everyone at the office ate at their desk including the HR himself.


I am not against eating at the desk, I do it too. It depends entirely on how busy you are. If there isn’t much on your calendar, sure you can go sit in the kitchen/cafe and cherish your meal to the fullest but when you know you have pending work and slacking would only damage your productivity, then it is fine to eat at the desk.

Having said that, I kind of feel like it is not okay to eat at your desk knowing that the food you are having has strong odors and can make the whole room smell of the food you are having. Whether the meal is delicious or not, you must eat in the kitchen in such a case. That’s my take on this.

Let’s see how things proceed. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: u/Darromear

6. To take revenge for being reported to HR, the next day OP brought to work the most pungent, even “stinkier”, as per the coworker, meal. He kept the lid open to make sure the whole office room smelled of the aromas of his curry.


7. The coworker could do nothing but hold her breath.

Source: u/Darromear

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

8. You are actually in the majority because I love those aromas too.


Via underdonk

9. This is what I meant. It kind of feels disrespectful doing what OP did. But if it is a standard practice at the office, then OP is in the good.

Via kaustic10

10. So you expect them to stay hungry from 9 to 5? Because if that food item has a strong aroma, no matter where you eat it, everyone will smell it.


Via JonJonSee

11. For the petty revenge he took, OP got called an AH.

Via Recollectioning

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Julianne Roan

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“When you want a cat but your family disagrees.”


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