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30 Parenting Tweets From Other Moms And Dads To Give You Break From Your Kids

Funny Tweets

Parenthood, they say, is the ultimate rollercoaster ride, complete with highs, lows, and the occasional loop-de-loop that leaves you questioning your sanity. In the age of social media, parents have found a new outlet to share the side-splitting, cringe-worthy, and downright absurd moments that come with raising tiny humans. Brace yourself for a sidesplitting journey through the Twitterverse as we embark on this journey of a collection of hilarious parenting tweets that will have you laughing hard.


From the most random questions ever asked to doing the most unexpected thing you would expect from a child, these tweets are more than just humorous anecdotes; they’re a communal nod to the collective chaos that unites parents worldwide.

Whether you’re a seasoned parent in need of a relatable chuckle or a soon-to-be mom or dad wondering what you’ve signed up for, these tweets are bound to tickle your funny bone and reaffirm that laughter truly is the best medicine in the unpredictable world of parenting.

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. How about both?


Via @reallifemommy3

2. Embarassing the life out of lovely moments, that’s what kids do.


Via @RYGdance

3. That is the most evil thing I have heard.


It is sad that our lives are now so consumed by social media that even a kid planning cute revenge on his/her parent has something to do with the internet or social media.

Via @mommeh_dearest

4. A thoughtful conversation between dad and son.


Via @DadSetAgainst

5. Because you know it was your kid’s doing.


Via @MumOfTw0

6. Classic kid behavior.


Via @notmythirdrodeo

7. It will require a lot more effort than fixing electronic devices, I am afraid.

Via @itssherifield

8. A weapon that you must handle very carefully in order to best utilize it for your own good.


Via @LibertyLayne01

9. It’s like deja vu, but with the roles delegated forward.

Via @mom_tho

10. I want to be a part of that class.


Via @momsense_ensues

11. That is petty, kid.

Via @kevinthedad

12. Sorry, kids. But you missed out.


Via @oneawkwardmom

13. Judging his routine by those set alarms, it is not bad.

Via @dadmann_walking

14. It really do be like that sometimes.


Via @momtransparent1

15. Looks like they are better off on their own for dinner.

Via @dadmann_walking

These tweets are a true representation of what parenting is. So all the men and women who are planning to become parents, you can get a clear disclaimer from this post on whether to have a baby or not. Yes, there are challenges associated with it but the moments to cherish easily outnumber all those challenges. So, ultimately I would suggest every couple to have kids. Because it is a chapter of life we must all experience, as it was created for a reason.

Let’s enjoy some more parenting tweets as I hope you guys are loving them as much I did while curating these for you guys. Scroll down below to continue!

16. It is kind of unfair but that is in their best interest.


Via @mom_tho

17. If preteen kids invite you for a stayover, it means you are a cool mom.

Via @pro_worrier_

18. Modern problems require modern solutions.


Via @dadmann_walking

19. As a parent, you will always face the consequences of your actions.

Via @mom_tho

20. I don’t think there is a better way to describe life with kids than this.


Via @SnarkyMommy78

21. A safe advice for soon-to-be parents expecting unconditional love from their children.

Via @kidversations_

22. We have mornings every day. I want something new.


Via @oneawkwardmom

23. It is going nicely.

Via @oneawkwardmom

24. Let me tell you a story, kid.


Via @momsense_ensues

25. Thanks for that, honey. I will certainly cherish that picture for years to come.

Via @pro_worrier_

26. This is the level of confidence I require in my life.


Via @michimama75

27. You really have a genetically superior daughter.

Via @copymama

28. The kid knows mommy way too well.


Via @copymama

29. Character? Sure. Main character? Not so sure.

Via @MetteAngerhofer

30. Please take all considerations into account before making such decisions.


Via @IHideFromMyKids

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via Stracks Psychic Readings and Spiritual Advice

Cat tax.

“This cannot be comfortable.”


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