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20+ Hilarious Tweets Shared By Parents About Children That All Moms and Dads Can Laugh At


Children are delightful.

If you believe that, you have clearly never dealt with a toddler who demands that you dye your hair green and then starts crying when you explain that if you bleach it again, your hair will fall out in clumps. I’m sure we’ve all had similar experiences, even when it comes to our nieces and nephews. And, while children are adorable, they are also extremely vicious. After all, their brains do not function in the same way that an adult does. This implies that they lack a filter and will say whatever comes to mind. So, given the circumstances, a toddler calling you fat is actually quite mild compared to the things I have seen on the Internet.


However, savagery is not the only issue that parents face when raising toddlers. They must also deal with their innocence. As you may know, most children are inquisitive and want to know everything. I’m sure we’ve all been on the wrong end of the never-ending ‘why’ debate. Sometimes their tiny little brains get blown, and they end up crying because they don’t know how to process the emotion of frustration or sadness any other way. The things that cause them to be so devastated are usually the strangest stories you’ll ever hear. That’s why, when one Twitter user asked for people to share the dumbest ways their toddlers were devastated, the response was overwhelming.

You can see these hilarious tweets for yourself by scrolling down.

Source: Twitter

#1 That sounds truly awful and his plight will be remembered in my prayers.


Via Twitter: Bess Kalb

#2 Well, she clearly taught her kid something new.


Via Twitter: Janet

#3 As someone in a similar age range as this person, I will say that we never forget.


Via Twitter: mj

#4 To be fair, who hasn’t accused their parents of favouritism over food?


Via Twitter: Jen G

#5 That is the most Gen Z response ever and I say that as someone who belongs in that group.


Via Twitter: Deanie

#6 I mean the bun does get soggy if that happens.


Via Twitter: Bob

#7 If she wants to smoke, I don’t think she can be stopped.

Via Twitter: Sophie Poirot

#8 Who wouldn’t want red sparkly shoes? Everyone needs one pair at least.


Via Twitter: Buckcho

#9 How could this woman ignore Clarissa? The hate is evident!

Via Twitter: Raelyn

#10 That obviously changes the taste of the sandwich.


Via Twitter: Dena Paolucci

#11 Maybe she really likes the coat?

Via Twitter: Eleanor

Tantrums are not uncommon in toddlers, and there is little that parents can do about it. And, while seeing a child cry over the silliest of reasons may be annoying in the moment, it becomes a hilarious memory later on, as evidenced by these tweets. I mean, I remember crying and screaming as a child because my parents wouldn’t let me stand in the middle of the road. I apparently desired to be hit by a car or something along those lines. I have no idea why, and it continues to perplex me.

#12 What did the hotdog ever do to you?


Via Twitter: Greedbly

#13 I wonder why that is the case.

Via Twitter: Marinmaven

#14 Don’t we all wish that a frog and rabbit were the same?


Via Twitter: Shaifali Puri

#15 This is why you should iron your socks.

Via Twitter: Colleen

#16 Some people just like to watch the world and their eyes burn.


Via Twitter: Noneya

#17 Sometimes you have to roll with the punches.

Via Twitter: Evanne Jordan

#18 I think every parent has had this moment.


Via Twitter: Amanda

#19 His sister clearly took advantage of the situation.

Via Twitter: Sheila Grace

#20 Apparently this happens a lot more than I thought.


Via Twitter: Thomas

#21 He even got dressed for the inside rain.


Via Twitter: Liz Novick

Last but not least, we leave you with this poignant advice.


Via Twitter: Jac

Do you have any similar stories to share? If so, we’re always eager to hear more, so please leave a comment down below and let us know. Remember to share these hilarious tweets with your parent friends so they can laugh along with you while dealing with their toddler’s latest tantrum.


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