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Teenage Girl Leaves Home Due To Overwhelming Pressure Of Caring For Her Mother’s Another Kid, Asks If She’s Being Selfish

Family dynamics are indeed complex, especially when one has limited help and support while also having plenty of responsibility. In today’s Reddit AITA story, our OP is a 16-year-old girl who has been contributing heavily to caring for her younger siblings since she was just six years old. However, a pretty huge curveball has been thrown their way when her mother disclosed that she was pregnant with yet another kid. The news quite obviously made OP feel overwhelmed as she had already experienced the hardships of caring for her younger siblings. This situation then ultimately led her to seek a different future for herself. When she shared her plans to move out and leave their home, OP’s mother was not happy with the idea. However, after three days, OP packed her belongings and departed. Keep on reading to see what happened:


Source: u/One-Description6964

#1) Is OP the AH for leaving her house when her mom was having another child?


#2) OP and her mom have an alright relationship and her sister moved out when she was 17. OP already has 5 siblings and was given the shock of her mother expecting another child.


#3) OP told her mom she was moving out, which she didn’t believe. OP’s mother had a really big and angry reaction to when OP actually tried to leave.


#4) OP’s reasoning was that she had already raised 3 of her siblings and did not want to be responsible for another.


OP was absolutely valid for expressing her feelings to her mother and explaining her reasoning for leaving. It’s also advisable for OP to first find herself and enjoy her new life before thinking of maintaining a relationship with her mother again. Redditors believe that OP would additionally benefit from learning about good communication skills and how the human mind works. Despite her mother’s attempts at shaming and manipulation, OP still stood strong and held her ground, making many internet strangers very proud of her! Keep on reading to see the comments Redditors left about the situation:

Source: u/One-Description6964

#5) CPS involvement might become necessary.


Via ExperienceAmazing963

#6) OP’s just a kid herself.


Via Midnightdream56

#7) Some people should not be allowed to become parents.

Via Desentron

#8) I hope OP looks into this stuff.


Via neoinan

#9) When birthgivers realize that they actually have to raise the child…

Via Careless_Ad3968

#10) Hell yeah!


Via lozanoe

#11) We’re all proud of you, OP.

Via Possible_Thief

#12) Calling CPS for OP’s other siblings in the future might be worth looking into.


Via ThisLexx

#13) OP’s mother feels like a very selfish person.

Via Realistic-You9997

#14) OP’s mother is no doubt ab**ive.


Via Aggressive-Mind-2085

#15) Hope everyone can leave soon.

Via MistressLiliana

#16) Very happy for OP, hoping things are going smoothly.


Via Aggravating-Pain9249

#17) Older children are not your personal assistants.

Via Busy-Cat8099

#18) Couldn’t have said it better.


Via Professional_Sun7851

#19) OP’s mother doesn’t deserve it.

Via AlarmingDelay3709

#20) This is very true, good luck OP.


Via VariousTry4624

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