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Baker Furiously Calls Out Mother For Ruining Her Cheesecake, Whole Family Calls Her Rude For It

Every creator in this world is in love with what they have created and cannot stand for it to be harmed. Similar to this, cooks enjoy experimenting with their recipes and hope that the person for whom they prepare the cuisine will approve of them. The chef would become enraged if someone tried to change the food’s flavor or look.


As a pastry chef, OP enjoyed creating desserts in her unique manner without adding anything additional that would detract from the presentation. On the other hand, OP’s mother desired to add too much of everything to her daughter’s creations. OP begged her mother not to touch the cakes she cooked on birthdays and other occasions. She always got a startled surprise when she left her cakes alone because they didn’t seem familiar to her. OP’s mother added something to the cake that, in her opinion, looked nice. After her mother’s actions continued, OP became enraged and lost control of her temper. Take a look at the complete narrative to find out how OP responded, then share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Source: Reddit

1. OP wants to know if it was inappropriate for her to scream at her mother in front of everyone after she damaged her cheesecake.


2. At the age of 19, OP started her career as a pastry chef and developed a fondness for creating sweets but her mother always tried to ruin her sweets by adding too much of everything.


3. OP baked a strawberry cake for her grandmother’s birthday, and her mother added too much whipping cream, causing the cake to fall apart, which infuriated OP.


4. OP made a fruit tart and cheesecake for her grandmother, and her mother filled the cheesecake with chocolate syrup. OP lost her cool and began screaming at her mother for hurting her by destroying her creations.


5. OP’s mother furiously advised her to learn etiquette for yelling in front of everyone, but OP lost self-control after her mother continuously ruined her creations.


6. OP was sorry for her actions, but her mother refused to understand her mistake, and she couldn’t afford to move away due to financial constraints.


7. OP was hired to make a cake for a man’s daughter’s baptism that did not need to be refrigerated, but her mother spoiled it by coating blue pastry cream all over it.

8. OP’s ex-boyfriend’s mother told her that her mother envied the attention OP got from others as a chef.


9. OP accepted her fault for yelling at her mother in front of everyone, but her mother pushed her to do so.

10. OP gave an example of her rose cake, which her mother wanted to be filled with sprinkles rather than roses. OP loved to bake with her grandmother, as she never forced her to make things her way.


Now that you’ve heard the story, let’s dive into what Redditors had to say. Keep reading to discover other people’s perspectives on the matter.

11. Redditor gives OP the idea to start her page with the before and after stories of her ruined baked items.

12. The Redditor disapproves of her mother’s reasoning to alter the appearance of OP’s baked goods.


13. Well! That is savage.

14. The Redditor has suspicious feelings regarding OP’s mother.


15. It might be the true reason for her mother’s actions.

16. Yes, seeing your time-consuming creations destroyed by others is indeed very distressing.


17. Indeed! OP forbade her mother from touching her baked goods, but she never stopped.

18. Yes, it may be right.


19. Redditor advises OP to move out of her parent’s place.

20. Redditors believe her mother intentionally ruined her cakes to irritate her.


OP requested her mother several times to stay away from her baking, but she never listened. OP desperately needs her own space where she can easily make her sweets without fear of them being spoiled by her mother, or she can try to buy a separate fridge that can be locked to avoid her mother’s interference. It appears that OP’s mother wishes to bake and manufacture her sweets, so she should do so while leaving her daughter’s stuff alone. How can the OP get herself out of this situation? Please leave your comments, and stay tuned to Defused for more stories.


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