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Mom Leaves Early From A Vacation After Her Mother Misbehaved With Her Children


Living 1500 miles away from her parents, OP devised a plan for family visits: she’d pay for travel and accommodations, and her parents would get the airline mileage rewards. However, a recent visit turned sour when her mother displayed controlling behavior, culminating in an incident involving OP’s daughter. This prompted OP’s husband to cut ties with her parents, raising questions about OP’s next steps.


The story highlights the complexities of familial relationships, showing how manipulative behavior can persist over the years. It underscores the importance of recognizing unhealthy dynamics and setting boundaries, even with family members. In such situations, prioritizing the well-being and emotional safety of one’s children is paramount, and OP’s decision to block her mother and reassess the relationship emphasizes this message.

OP’s parents live far away, and they have a travel arrangement where OP covers expenses. However, this visit took an uncomfortable turn when they found sleeping conditions were less than ideal for their children.

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OP jokingly suggested blow-up mattresses for comfort but dropped the idea. Despite already swimming multiple times, they were asked to go to a crowded pool, and OP’s son and she declined, while her daughter agreed to dip her feet.


OP’s daughter refused to swim after hairstyling but faced pressure from her mom and stepdad, who forcibly dunked her despite her resistance.


Daughter resisted being forced into the pool by her stepdad and mother, left scared, and pretended to enjoy it for a while amidst the crowded pool.


Daughter left the pool and approached OP but couldn’t fully speak, sensing something odd. OP left, talked to her parents, but their apology didn’t acknowledge her daughter’s distress.


Daughter was physically hurt and scared, prompting OP to leave. OP confronted her parents about the incident, but they downplayed it. OP prioritized her children’s safety and left.


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OP downloaded their boarding passes, but upon reaching the gate, discovered all 3 flights were canceled. After an emotional ordeal, they secured new tickets and avoided being stranded.


Husband bans OP’s mother from seeing grandchildren after her harmful behavior and emotional manipulation, triggered by targeting OP’s daughter.


OP’s kids blocked her mother, and she contemplates a message detailing the airline incident before severing ties, preferring her husband’s supportive family.


I suggest OP do the same.

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Blocking is the ultimate solution.


We have people with similar experiences here.

OP shouldn’t damage her relationship with her kids.


It was a horrendous act.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? Your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

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“What’s her rap name?”

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