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Woman Explains How “Men Cause 100% Of Unwanted Pregnancies” In Twitter Thread



Everyone rushes to bash women when it comes to abortions.

People don’t bother listening to the reasoning. They don’t even try to consider who was at fault for the unwanted pregnancy. They just know that the woman is carrying the baby and she is responsible for whatever is happening. Author Gabrielle Stanley Blair from Oakland, California believes that men cause 100% of unwanted pregnancies. The mother-of-six went on a Twitter rant to explain her reasons for thinking so. It is true that men are never held accountable for making a woman pregnant when she did not intend to be. Blair believes that these “accidents” are always caused by men because they are irresponsible. She wants people to stop trying to control women’s bodies as unwanted pregnancies are not their fault.

“I’ve been working out the thoughts on unprotected sex and birth control I presented in the article over the last year,” Gabrielle said in an interview with Bored Panda. “I actually wrote the thread about three months ago, and then hesitated to make it public — Twitter can be a harsh place, and I worried my family would be attacked.” However, after the Kavanaugh hearings, she was motivated to publish it.

Blair is a Mormon, so her religious views support her as well. “The Mormon church has guidelines that include abortion as an option for rape, the health of the mother, etc., and those exceptions can’t happen if abortion clinics are illegal,” she said. “My interpretation of the Mormon church’s take is that it is pro-legal abortion and contraception. Other church members may interpret things in favor of anti-abortion.”

Source: Twitter

This is Gabrielle Stanley Blair, author, and mother-of-six.


Blair believes that men have zero interest in stopping abortion.


And then she went on to say that men are 100% responsible for unwanted pregnancies.


She backed up her statement using basic biology and the calendar.


Women take birth control, which has terrible side effects to prevent unwanted pregnancies. But do you know why men rejected the male birth control pill?


You guessed it. Because of the side effects.


The male contraceptive didn’t even have half as many of the side effects of female birth control.

Oral contraceptives for women don’t work instantly either.


Men also have the option of condoms.

Which seems like the solution for just about everything.


But men don’t use them, because they don’t like them.

Why don’t they like them? Because it reduces the pleasure.


So basically it is a little bit of extra pleasure over 9 months of pregnancy.

Okay, no condoms. Men also have the pull out method!


But they don’t like doing that either. Why?

Again, it is slightly more pleasurable to climax inside a woman.


Then she used a little more biology to back up her statement.

And women don’t even need to climax to get pregnant.


So basically, it is the irresponsible ejaculations of men that cause unwanted pregnancies.

They don’t face any consequences for making women pregnant.


It is almost like they are never held accountable for their actions.

Child support is the biggest consequence they have to pay, which is almost a joke.


61% of men don’t pay child support.

Stop shaming women for aborting unwanted pregnancies.


Do you even know how painful this whole process is?

Then she continued by saying men should suffer something equally painful. Castration.


She portrayed a world without abortions.

She addressed the people who consider abortion to be murder.


People care more about policing women’s bodies than reducing or eliminating abortions.

Men can even have the option of banking their sperm before the castration.


But people don’t like the idea of physical punishment for men. Then why support it when it comes to women?


Vasectomies can be reversed too.


Abortion is the cure for an unwanted pregnancy.

And you can prevent those unwanted pregnancies by focusing on men.


She asked men what it would take for them to ejaculate responsibly.


She tried simplifying her ideas further.


Condoms and pulling out are easy. Be responsible.

So she concluded her rant with these statements.

Would you agree with her? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!


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