
Twitter Thread About How A Woman Saves A Bird With The Power Of Her B00bs

Every woman has great power in her breasts.

I am well aware of how dumb that sounds and I never thought I would this sentence. But apparently, all of the things I thought I knew have been turned upside down. All because this woman managed to resurrect a bird with her boobs. And I am not at all exaggerating and this is not made-up either because we have pictures to prove it. You see, it all started when she found a ‘dead’ bird in the bird feeder drowned in the water.


She thought the bird was long gone but her children couldn’t see that so they wanted her mother to help the bird. So she tried her best but she was a bit busy so decided to put the dead cold bird in her shirt. Essentially because of the warmth of her body, it somehow managed to revive the bird somewhat. However, it was still touch-and-go since the bird wasn’t fully healthy so they called the vet to ask for some advice.

There is a lot more to this story and it is presented hilariously. You can read it for yourself by scrolling below. Get ready to go on a rollercoaster of emotions as things didn’t turn out the way you’d expect them to.

Source: Twitter

 No one could have ever expected this outcome.


I mean, I knew boobs were magical but not in this way.


Apparently, she has the power to revive birds.


If only I had known about this sooner.


I could have resuscitated the bird I found some time ago.


However, things weren’t as simple as they seemed.


To be honest, birds are descendants of dinosaurs.

I know the bird looks pretty dead.


But they set the bird up with a heating pad at night.

And then they went to sleep.


I would be just as ecstatic if I found that about myself.

But that is when things took a turn.


As the heating pad had turned off in the middle of the night.

However, her boobs revived the bird once again.


But is the bird really alive?

All jokes aside, this solution probably worked because breasts are usually warmer than the rest of the body. Why? Because they are largely composed of fat and it runs a bit hotter than the rest of the body. And if you are well endowed, the cleavage can create a warm place where the bird was probably nestled in. A proper heating pad or a bottle would have worked as well but it wouldn’t have made for such a funny story.

What if the bird is a zombie?


Is this how the world ends?

I feel like this is the start of that awful Birdemic movie.


It isn’t as if this year could get any worse.

Then she explains what happened when she found the bird.


Eventually, even the therapist was invested in the story.

They desperately wanted to save the little birdie.


Who thinks putting a bird on their boobs is the solution?

This woman, apparently.


To be fair, it did work so I can’t say anything.

The bird was slowly getting better.


The people at the rescue told her that the bird was in a coma.

And that the bird’s movements were nothing extraordinary.


However, the bird is actually alive.

The bird might not be able to fly right now but looks much better.


But then something amazing happened.

They had to open the box and let the bird out.


And so the bird flew away.

Without even saying goodbye.


I’d like to think the bird would remember this.

And come to say hello now and again.


But with birds, who really knows?

That must have given them a surprise.


This is why you never underestimate the little guy.

And this is the story of how the zombie apocalypse started.


What did you think about this weird story? Did it turn out the way you expected it to? Comment down below and let us know.


What do you think?