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30 Comics With Twisted Endings That’ll Surprise You

Art is a great way to convey your purpose.

And many people use comics to talk about certain things. Whether the purpose is funny or touches a serious issue is always left to the artist. However most of the time, they will use some dark humor to reveal things in a new light. That is what you can say about these apt comics. Not only do they look creative but they will also make you laugh. 


However, if you have never been a big fan of dark humor or twist endings these comics might not be for you. Then again, who doesn’t like a surprise ending? I know I do. And the artist who goes by the name Ryan is the creator of these comics. Their Instagram is full of different characters and their comics go by the name of Buni. 

So scroll below to enjoy some of the best comic strips we could find. 

Source: Instagram

#1 Whether the frog turns into a prince or a princess doesn’t matter.


#2 We have to stay safe and stay apart or everyone might explode.


#3 This is why we need to look at the source of our food.


#4 That is pretty ingenius.


#5 Consent should be a normal thing by now.


#6 A mother deserves some recognition wherever they are.


#7 Some people might not show it but they love us.

#8 It is a circle that never ends.


#9 I might be scared but the spider did save their life.

#10 I wouldn’t be too ecstatic about this union but as long as they are happy.


#11 I don’t think I needed to know that.

#12 This is why they say, no men allowed.


#13 We all know the feeling of getting stuck in a certain position.

#14 We are halfway in 2021 and it isn’t really saved.


#15 Cheese and wine are the perfect combination and nobody can change my mind.

Ryan has over 700k followers on Instagram and they are growing fast with their comics. If you still haven’t had your fill of these funny comics, then you can check out even more on their website. Not only that but you can also get some awesome prints on things like t-shirts or mugs so what are you waiting for?

#16 From someone who dies their hair a lot, losing your hair is the worst.


#17 And this is what they should have done in the walking dead.

#18 He will get there one day.


#19 Sometimes you just don’t want to go outside.

#20 Reality sucks most of the time. We would rather live in a fantasy.


#21 It is hard to grow limbs but we never know what will happen.

#22 You never wake up like that. It requires work.


#23 So that is where all the socks go? I always wondered.

#24 Birds certainly are hard workers.


#25 You never what a person is going to do even if you made them.

#26 Just having a nice time roasting marshmallows.


#27 If only I had enough money to go somewhere far away.

#28 Not everyone has a lot of options.


#29 The monsters just couldn’t handle all the cuteness.

#30 I can’t even remember the last time I used my umbrella.


What did you think of these comics? Comment down below and let us know.


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