
Woman Clings To Horse For 3 Hours To Rescue It From Drowning

We have got a story of a woman who went beyond measures to rescue his horse. The horse, namely Astro was stuck in a muddy puddle for three hours and Nicole kept onto holding him so that he do not get drowned.

Nicole Graham, along with her daughter, went for an afternoon ride with their dog namely Astro in Melbourne, Australia. Interestingly, Paris’ horse also got stuck in the same mud but he got out being smaller in size. Astro, on the other hand weighed 900 lbs and had to be held by someone till aid came.


Paris, after getting her horse freed, came back with rescuers. Astro was sedated and a harness was attached to him to pull him out with the help of tractors. Nicole, through out the time, stayed with her loyal horse and proved that she’s a generous owner.


The whole process took three hours. Astro finally came out being lucky, as most horses cannot in such situations. Astro being stuck for hours suffered dehydration as well as muscle cramps but nothing very serious. All thanks to Nicole for being supporting and calming him down.

So, what do you thin? Such stories bring tears of joy to eyes. Stay tuned for more.


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