Autism is unique to each individual.
People sometimes say that it is a spectrum rather than a yes or no answer. Many autistic people can function perfectly well on their own and do not require extensive special care. Others require special attention, which is always the responsibility of the parent. After all, it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their child is prepared to go out and be responsible as an adult. And parents who disregard this responsibility and impose it on others should not be called parents at all. We have seen time and time again that children are sometimes more mature than their parents.
That is exactly what is happening in this particular scenario. Because his parents did not pay attention to him or his autistic sister when they were children, OP has had to deal with a lot. His sister demanded far more attention than his parents were willing to provide. Instead of respecting her wishes, they continued to impose her brother on her. Change can be difficult for many people, especially those on the autism spectrum.
You can read the entire story by scrolling down.
Source: Reddit
The title does not convey the heart of the matter properly.
Right from the start, it is clear his sister does not like him.
He is everything that she hates and she can’t get used to it.
He is very different from her and it is hard for her to deal with changes in her life.
But their parents don’t see this at all.
They keep pushing the two siblings together.
While having a bond with your sibling is important, sometimes it isn’t healthy.
As in this particular case, they do not get along at all.
So asking them to form a bond now without any outside help isn’t going to cut it.
I truly sympathise with both of the siblings. It is obvious that neither of them is to blame. The girl dislikes her brother because he brought about a significant change in her life and their parents did not prepare her for it. Although I sympathise with OP, who is caught in the middle of his parent’s desire for him to be more present in her life while she despises him. To be fair, he sounds far more mature than his parents, and he recognises that it is not at all his sister’s fault.
People in the comments were also appalled by the whole thing.
After all, it is pretty clear that it is all their parent’s fault.
They didn’t do anything for the siblings to feel comfortable with each other.
But now they suddenly want OP and his sister to be buddy buddy.
It is quite sad that a kid is more mature than his parents.
Not many people would be this kind.
What are your thoughts on the matter? What would you do if you were in this situation? Would you attempt to leave your sister’s life as soon as possible? Or would you try to persuade her to adjust to your presence in the absence of their parent’s care? Please let us know in the comments section, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in the conversation as well.
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