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Redditor Refuses To Gift 8-Month-Old Niece Bangle Her Grandfather Made, Sister-In-Law And BIL Gets Upset


Step into the heartwarming world of family treasures, where connections span generations like threads of gold. Meet a cherished Muslim family, where the grandfather, a skilled goldsmith, lovingly crafted stunning jewelry for the womenfolk. Yet, he adhered to Islamic tradition, reserving gold adornments exclusively for them.


When the grandmother passed away, her prized collection of handmade ornaments, mostly crafted by the grandfather, was passed to the next generation.

Among these treasures was a pair of bangles, a precious gift from the grandfather to our Redditor, the 23-year-old granddaughter. These bangles held a special place in her heart. However, she met a dilemma when her sister-in-law requested to borrow them for a family photo shoot, and later, to gift them to her own daughter.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: Reddit

1. Inheritance is a serious topic, you can’t joke around about it or the subject involved.


2. OP shared her grandfather was a goldsmith and he would often make jewelry for his daughters and granddaughters.


3. When her grandmother passed away, her jewelry was passed down to OP’s dad, aunts, and uncles.


4. Recently, OP’s brother and SIL showed a desire to incorporate the grandfather jewelry into a family photoshoot they wanted to do with their 8-month-old daughter.


5. OP’s dad had already given SIL the jewelry she wanted from his share but none of it was baby-sized.


6. So SIL asked OP if she could borrow some from her for her niece and while looking through, she found a gorgeous pair of bangles.


7. OP didn’t mind letting SIL borrow the bangles her grandfather got her on her first birthday, but then she asked if OP would be fine gifting them to her niece as her early birthday present.

8. This was something OP knew she had to immediately back out of. She said a defined “no” and the SIL was left with nothing else to do but to leave without borrowing anything.


9. OP texted SIL she could pick something else to borrow she hasn’t replied. You can smell the tension in this one.

Had those been just any other bangs, I don’t think OP would’ve minded gifting those away. I don’t think it is the monetary aspect of gold being expensive either. It is the emotional attachment. Those bangles were gifted to OP by her grandfather on her first birthday. They are priceless for her. A memory that connects her directly to her grandfather who is not in this world anymore. I would never give something like that away to anyone, even if it means breaking a relationship for it. Besides, its SIL, who cares.

Source: Reddit

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

10. You lend those bangles to her and it will be the last time you will see them.


Via Zokathra_Spell

11. They won’t be objecting your decision then.

Via difdrummer

12. Seems like SIL doesn’t care about OP’s emotional sentiment for the bangles.


Via BaRiMaLi

13. Entitlement is a poison.

Via NocturneStaccato

14. It might be worth mentioning to them why you are extra cautious with those bangles.


Via Ickyhouse

15. That would close the case there and then.

Via greengrasstallmntn

16. If she wants it, you know she will stoop down to every level to get it.


Via Sensitive_Tension_23

17. Your instincts are already telling you that, OP. Listen to them and hold firm.

Via Pretty_In_Pink_81

18. That is strange and unsettling if you ask me.


Via Sensitive-Whereas574

19. I wouldn’t let them out of my sight, not for a split second.

Via ARandomWalkInSpace

20. If you look at the monetary aspect of it, gold is freaking expensive. I am not going to donate all that money just to make a girl happy.


Via Great-Grocery2314

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via Kurpool

Cat tax.

“Apparently the Satanic Spirit possessing my cat doesn’t like selfies.”


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