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Girlfriend Mistreats Boyfriend’s Cat, He Takes Cat’s Side, Asks Internet If He’s Wrong

A person who loves animals can get very touchy about them, especially if he owns a pet too. Someone who owns a pet is very possessive and sensitive about it, they share a bond that can’t exactly be explained in words. Animals deserve to be treated with kindness and politeness as their love is so pure and they are so wholesome. Only an animal lover can go deep enough to feel for an animal being mistreated, for other people it might sound normal.

In today’s AITA post, the author is clearly exasperated with her girlfriend for mistreating his cat. The OP’s girlfriend came over to stay at his place in the process of moving in together. She had brought some stuff along which was dear to her, that also included a cup her late father had given her. Op had repeatedly warned his girl not to place brittle items anywhere in the reach of his pets, being careless she still placed her dearest cup on the banister. When one fine night, OP’s pet cat had an encounter with the cup resulting in it being shattered into pieces. Enraged and sad she yelled at the cat and also pushed it away, OP couldn’t bear seeing his cat baby being mistreated and instantly yelled back at his gf.

Things got serious, scroll down to read what happened next and what the whole ‘AITA’ post is about?

1. You got to be careful when you have pets around especially cats

via aita1235

Cats are very curious and inquiring, they’ll make sure to explore every new thing that makes it to your house. They might also shamelessly push it away and you can’t just blame them because these felines are pure rebels. It’s you who has to be careful, not to place any fragile items in the reach of your cat babies

2. The cat parent in him took over

via aita1235

3. AITA for being so upset about my cat or AITA for being not so upset about the cup?

via aita1235

4. The OP had a point to clear, so he made some edits

via aita1235

I wonder how he manages so many pets at one time? Also, let’s be honest, despite being pissed at his girlfriend OP still is defending her for having limited exposure to pets/animals and consoled her for her loss. There were repeated warnings of not placing breakable things in places, which were within the reach of cats because they can create a whole mess and shamelessly walk away as if nothing happened. However,  OP could have been a little more polite because the cat landed safe and the girl would take some time to learn how to be around animals, she could have been later notified about her attitude towards the naive kitty.

5. Other pet parents joined in, here’s what they have to say

via SimplySam4210, _ewan_

6. Cats will be cats

via nibbler981, fawnplaysflute

7. Another red flag you need to spot, being a pet parent

via Pleasant-Tax8290, azhor-ahai, r4y7own

8. Treat the kitty right or walk away

via uhhhhh_12, d_whitewolf

9. Never turn your back on your cats

via LunaTick2

10. Point blank

via ireallylikenoodles

Surely NTA, animals have absolutely no understanding of what is breakable and what isn’t, they’ll make sure to explore everything that is around. It should have been the girl who should have been careful knowing the kitties are around and they keep jumping here and there. The people do feel sorry for her loss too, but the feline queens do not deserve such kind of behavior. People aren’t happy about the whole thing, being physically abusive towards the cat, is unacceptable to the cat community.

What’s your call on this, who do you think is TA here? let us know in the comments!


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