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Artist Reimagined Famous Cartoon Characters As Humans Using 3D Art And The Results Are Scary

This 3D eccentric art of childhood cartoon characters will make you enter another world.

Remember when in childhood, we used to watch cartoon network and imagined our favorite cartoons to come into real life. Those were actually the coolest days. Sitting in a playground, we would daydream about visiting Spongebob’s home or meeting him someday. Well, guess what? Now is the time you can actually meet them and see how they would look in real life. We are presenting, Michquel Maguez’s work to you, who is a 3D artist with over 250k followers on Instagram. His expertise is drawing 3D characters and creatures with a mind-bending effect. His art is really cool relating to the 21st century. His bio reads, “I like creating unsettling things.” Now it’s time for you to fulfill your nostalgic desires and revisit your favorite childhood memories. We have got a collection 18 cartoon characters reimagined as creepy humans in 3D art. The hyper-realistic versions of these cartoons will make you enter another world. They might creep you out too because these versions are not what you have imagined before. Brace yourself, and keep scrolling till the end to meet your beloved characters in their mind-boggling human versions. Don’t leave in the middle as you won’t want to miss any of this.

1. The nose booger detail of Sid the Sloth from Ice Age though


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2. Spongebob’s human version, resembling Donald Trump


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3. Remember Scooby snacks which shaggy fed scooby in Scooby-doo? This version of scooby-doo deffo looks like that


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4. Buggs the Bunny in his most non-cute version, I believe


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5. Mr Krab’s eyes and mouth details are commendable in this one


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6. This one is cute I must say, Peanuts was such a cute show


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7. Single teethed 3D Patrick star with icecream dropped on his head is best thing we could see today

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8. This is the worst version of Sponge Bob characters I have ever seen, how do I unsee this?


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9. Dora, but with an evil version you had never thought of before

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10. I hate the details of his salivary mouth


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11. I loved Rick but Morty looks rather old than he actually should

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12. Need an “unsee lotion” to put in my eyes


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13. Plankton out on the streets like this would scare everyone away

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14. Creepy af


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15. The cartoonic version was cute but this sucks, though the art is commendable

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16. Nitendo’s Kirby coming to kill you


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17. The hair on his body is making me feel irked

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18. Presenting you all Patrick star with detailed eyes, again


We hope you enjoyed this content and loved the work of this artist. Do not forget to follow him on Instagram as he really deserves some likes. Share your feedback and tell us with was your favorite cartoon character. Share it with your friends and family. If you want more crazy content coming your way, keep visiting defused and stay connected for more. Stay blessed.


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