Child upbringing is one of the most important process parts of the entire parenting process. And within upbringing is to teach your kid the difference between good and bad manners. Once they have learned how to behave in a good manner, they will automatically learn the difference between what is right and what is wrong. It is so important that your parents are the ones who teach you all this as a child because if they don’t, then you wouldn’t know whether what you are doing is wrong or not. You will believe everything you do is right. And you may start applying such behavior in public places as well. Now, a stranger wouldn’t care whose kid you are or whoever you are, if they get behaved wrongly, they will tell you and you will have the face the consequences of it.
In today’s story, something similar happened. Reddit user BingandBong123 was at a restaurant enjoying a nice time with her family. One kid, from another table was really annoying as he get screaming and running around in the entire restaurant. OP and her family chose to ignore the kid and focus on their food but then the kid came near OP, took her hat that was sitting next to her on a bench, and wore it. OP loudly told the kid to return it back and lectured him. The mother of the kid did not like that as she approached OP and decided to give her a counter lecture on rudeness and letting the kid play.
Not knowing if she was right or not for scolding the kid, OP shared this story on the infamous subreddit “Am I The A$$hole?” and rested her fate with the community members.
Scroll down below to read how it all went down.
1. A stranger’s child touching my stuff in a public place is a big no but let’s not jump to conclusions until we know everything.
Via u/BingandBong123
2. It is always important to spend quality time with your family.
Via u/BingandBong123
3. But such a kid can really make the experience super annoying and not worthwhile.
Via u/BingandBong123
4. The mother basically did not care what her son was doing.
Via u/BingandBong123
5. The kid took OP’s hat and got told, sharply, to return it.
Via u/BingandBong123
6. The kid gave the hat back and OP then proceeded to teach the kid a lesson about not taking other people’s things without permission.
Via u/BingandBong123
7. The mother finally arrived at the scene.
Via u/BingandBong123
8. The mother gave a counter-argument, as we were all expecting, by calling OP rude and wrong for not letting the kid play with her hat.
Via u/BingandBong123
9. Slightly confused with her decisions, OP decided to approach the AITA community members to know if what she did was wrong or right.
Via u/BingandBong123
NTA! It is as simple as that. I really don’t know why people lose a bit of confidence after a confrontation. OP did nothing wrong in this story. Neither did the kid to be honest because all the blame goes to that mother who thinks touching a stranger’s stuff is okay. She transferred this to her kid as well and that is why he kept doing it. It is all a matter of wrong upbringing and bad influence.
I really do hope the mother teaches her kid the difference between right and wrong, and ethical and unethical. Because if this is the way he is going to learn about it, by getting scolded by people in people, then his personality will sustain permanent damage, and who knows what he may turn into. So please, mother. Do the upbringing right, you still have time.
Here’s what the AITA community members had to say and why:
10. It’s just not the way to act in public.
Via Ok_Image6174
11. The mother really should have been told there and then that it is all her fault.
Via Prof_Fuzzy_Wuzzy
12. That is what I was saying. The kid is going to learn the manners the tough way if his mother doesn’t teach them to him.
13. Even after considering all sorts of possibilities, the mother is still to be blamed.
14. And the responsibility here was the kid.
Via greenradioactive
15. Very important, this.
Via espressoaggresso
16. This should have been OP’s instant response to what the mother said.
Via jdogx17
17. I thought about this. The kid could’ve given lice to OP or maybe OP had lice and the kid could’ve gotten it.
18. OP, by making an edit in the original story, decided to clear up the matter about lice by saying she would never wear the hat again until it got professionally cleaned first.
Via u/BingandBong123
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Via imsozzy
Cat tax.
“This cat looks like it is wearing the fur of its enemies.”
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