
Dad Won’t Fund College For His Son Because He Is A Result Of A Mom’s Affair


In a surprising turn of events, OP discovered a family secret that shattered his world. Both his older brother and sister had their college education fully supported by their dad, but when it was OP’s turn to attend the same college, he was met with shocking news. His dad revealed that OP was not his biological son, a result of his mom’s past affair. Feeling abandoned and unprepared for the future, OP was devastated. The revelation left him questioning his place in the family and unsure of his financial stability for college. He had always assumed his parents had money set aside for his education, but now he found himself facing an uncertain financial situation without any prior knowledge or preparation.


OP’s mom was apologetic and regretful but lacked a concrete plan to help him. His dad, who had been dealing with other emotional challenges due to a recent family loss, reacted harshly to the situation, adding to OP’s feelings of hurt and confusion. Reading the supportive comments on his original post, OP realized the importance of financial aid, getting a job, and becoming independent to secure his future. Despite the initial shock and emotional turmoil, he decided not to seek out his biological father, as he felt he had a loving family already. After discussing the situation with his parents, they reassured him of their love and commitment. OP felt loved and supported by his extended family as well. While the family faced a difficult moment, they acknowledged their mistakes and vowed to work through them together. Now, OP is moving forward with plans to attend college, grateful for the advice and support he received, and determined to build a brighter future for himself while maintaining a close relationship with his family.

Scroll down to read the full story.

OP is overwhelmed after discovering he is the product of his mom’s affair and his dad won’t fund his college, unlike his siblings.


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OP’s siblings are financially stable, but after discovering his mom’s affair, his dad refuses to support him through college, leaving him feeling unprepared for the future.


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OP’s dad reveals that his mom never informed him about his biological parentage for 18 years, and although his grandparents knew, they remained silent.


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OP’s siblings are unaware of the situation, and OP feels blindsided by the revelation as he always believed he had a great relationship with his dad, who showed affection and pride in him.


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OP’s mom never had the “talk” with them, leaving him uncertain if they can afford it without parental support, and lacking job experience and knowledge about loans.


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OP’s mom offers only apologies without substantial help, leaving them unsure if they are welcome home and feeling ashamed and lost with limited savings.

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OP is angry at their mom, confused about their relationship with their dad, and feels rejected by their biological father. They seek advice and feel lost in their room, unsure about what to do next.


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OP says he will try to answer as many questions.

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OP’s update: Nothing bad happened, talked with Mom, not kicked out, grateful for the support, and will contact college financial aid.


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OP’s grandfather passed away and nothing happened to him.

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Things are back ti normal at OP’s home.


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OP talked it out with mom and dad and it helped.

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OP concludes that both parents love them and believe the recent events were an overreaction to their parents’ fight; surprised by strangers’ accurate insights from their post.


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OP is not certain about going to their desired college, and the money is available; their family is not going bankrupt, attributing the recent tension to their dad’s emotional turmoil.

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OP’s grandma revealed that even if their dad stuck with his decision, there’s a sum from their grandpa to support OP and their siblings through college; the scandal stemmed from poor timing after their parents’ fight.


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During an argument, OP’s mom mentioned that their dad wanted to split up when she returned pregnant, leading to misunderstandings about their biological parentage and a heated fight between the parents.

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The situation escalated quickly, but now OP’s parents have reconciled; their siblings were supportive, with the sister fiercely confronting their parents.


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After the passing of OP’s grandpa, the focus shifted, and reading comments made them realize their lack of preparedness for the real world, having assumed college expenses were already covered by their parents.


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Everything got worse and the father won’t pay for his college.

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OP collected useful tips from comments on various topics, and while they appreciated the advice, they felt uncomfortable with the negative comments directed at their parents.


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Dad apologized for his reaction, and though OP understands, they are still hurt. Mom is improving, answering more questions, and the family relationship remains hopeful.

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OP’s mom had an affair, got pregnant, and started a divorce, but the other man abandoned her. Grandparents took her in, and after much effort, OP’s parents reconciled, and OP was raised by their dad as his own.


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OP doesn’t know anything about his biological father.


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OP doesn’t feel the need to find his biological father and plans to focus on becoming independent without distancing himself from his current family.

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OP thinks it’s okay to make mistakes and consider it human.


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Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.

Sending angry messages to OP was never okay.

How can people be so mean?


That’s a good way to address this concern.

People should learn to be kind.


This was the worst thing to be said.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? You know that your feedback means a lot to us therefore we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section down below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!


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