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Daughter In Law Doesn’t Trust MIL To Babysit Anymore After She Got Lost With Her Son


OP (17F) is staying with her extended family, including her cousin West (19M) and his girlfriend Elena (20F). Elena, who babysits for the Jones family, asked OP to fill in for her due to a family emergency. OP agreed to babysit their two kids for a good rate, which Elena had mentioned. During the babysitting, OP followed the usual routine and the parents returned home satisfied.

However, when Elena paid OP, it was $10 per hour less than what was initially agreed upon. Elena explained that she gets paid more because she speaks French with the kids, but since OP didn’t, she received a lower rate. OP insisted on receiving the originally promised amount, either from Elena or her own pocket. In the end, West covered the $50 difference, but he called OP the “TA” for making his girlfriend pay. OP wonders if she is the one in the wrong.

Scroll down to read the full story in OP’s own words.

OP stays with extended family; cousin West has a girlfriend, Elena, who babysits for the Jones family.


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Elena had a family emergency and asked OP to babysit the Jones kids (10 and 8) from 6 – 11 pm, as they were well-behaved. OP agreed.


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OP had an easy night babysitting, as the kids behaved well and went to sleep on time. The parents promised to pay OP through Elena.


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When Elena showed OP the payment, it was $10 per hour less than agreed. Elena claimed her rate was higher because she spoke French to the kids, which OP didn’t.


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OP insisted on the agreed-upon rate, even if Elena had to cover the extra cost herself. Elena initially refused.


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OP asks if she is AITA in this situation.


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OP is not the asshole (NTA) in this situation. She agreed to babysit at a specific rate, and Elena should have upheld that agreement regardless of her own arrangement with the Jones family. OP was not responsible for the language spoken during the babysitting; her payment should have been based on the initial agreement. West covered the difference, indicating that he recognized the injustice. It was reasonable for OP to request the amount she was promised, and her actions were not unreasonable or unfair.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article, too.

West would have done better and supported OP.

Charging more for speaking French? This makes me laugh.


Being paid less than expected is the worst thing.

Both Elena and West are the a-holes here.


They basically played it all wrong.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

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