
Employee Was Fired From Job For Taking 10 Minutes To Respond To Emails, Took The Best Revenge Ever

Office life can get really dumb at times.

Working in a workspace is not an easy job. You have to work with people from all sorts of backgrounds. Multiculturalism is a real thing and it isn’t easy to maintain pace with it, you really have to put in an effort to make sure the overall respect of the employee isn’t damaged from your actions and the overall office environment remains nice, smooth, and efficient. And you have to maintain your own performance in terms of organizational achievement as well and constantly find new ways to excel your personal satisfaction stays a priority too. So those who are yet, to begin with, office jobs should now be able to make a guess of how stressful and tough it can be. The last thing you want in all this is a bad office environment. The environment is very crucial and key in making or breaking the whole thing for you. Ask those who work at a workspace that is toxic, they’d prefer unemployment but can’t because of lire.

This one person had a very unfortunate experience of working in such an unsupportive and toxic environment. I feel so weirded out and angry at this experience and you guys will too as I mention it. This one employee was actually thrown under the bus by their firm as they tried their very best to fire him for taking too long to respond to email. Now we fully understand that symmetrical information is key to success in the corporate world and delayed emails can hinder that communication which, ideally, you want to be very smooth and complete. But guess how long did this employee take to respond to the emails of the management? 10 minutes. Yup, only 10 minutes, and the management tried to get them fired. But guess what? This employee wasn’t having it and turned the tables on the company in the best way you could imagine.

Thanks to them, they shared this story on Reddit so let’s enjoy the drama unfold, together.

Scroll down below to read what happened!

More information: | Reddit |

1. Well, I believe we can all mutually agree that there was something very wrong from the very beginning.


No training, no orientation. Just gives you the log-ins and hello Mr. Speaker Coordinator. Great!

Via u/cranne

2. Not gonna lie, OP seems pretty sensible and open to feedback. Would make a great employee but was faced with a language barrier.


Via u/cranne

3. The boss lady didn’t seem to have a really good grip on the English language.


Oh boy, I would’ve struggled for weeks to decipher that. But to be real, she might’ve been stressed and sticking to the truth is the best policy so nothing wrong so far other than the communication issues but that’s light.

Via u/cranne

4. So they seemed to have been doing really well at work. Self-learning did really work, until…


Via u/cranne

5. I am sorry, what? Straight up fired with immediate effect for taking ten minutes to respond to emails? Are you in your senses, manager?


Oh yeah like you could’ve built a whole ass empire in those 10 minutes now, wouldn’t you have? So dumb!

Via u/cranne

6. Clearly they didn’t want him at the job and were looking for lame excuses to lay them off.. But perhaps, OP found a leak in their plan.


Via u/cranne

7. Fire in the hole! That violated the whole HR department, for sure!

Fired too soon!

Via u/cranne

8. Being an ex-employee, their NDA allowed them to stay zipped on company information. Great trickery!


Via u/cranne

9. Even the legal team couldn’t save HR. Looks like they will have to run the whole project all over again, incurring more cost.

Via u/cranne

10. And even the event was a fail and as a result, the directors almost fired the manager too.

What good did it do to the manager for saving on all those precious ten minutes between every email. Not. A. Thing.


Via u/cranne

Wow! I can’t believe how insensible management can often be just because they don’t like an employee. This is a great lesson for anyone going into the corporate or office environment. You need to be patient and be sure to know that your bosses might often play you down, but remember that has never worked out for anyone in the longer run. This conflict makes their conflict with the interest of the company ultimately causing their own failure as the organization only wants what’s best in the organization’s interest.

It was very disrespectful of the organization to hire an employee and not provide them with any training, insights, or orientation. Makes us speculate that perhaps they wanted to avoid costs. It’s like they wanted to strike gold but they wanted it to happen all on its own. Things don’t work like that in the professional world. Yet, the best thing to point out here is that OP never showed signs off backing down from the challenge, they remained patient and anyone would be disgusted if a company plays with someone’s patience, respect, and confidence like that.

This whole event caused an uproar on Reddit. The community members had their say. Here are some of the responses:

1. This Redditor point out that this is a huge plague that has infected almost all of the corporate sector of the world.

Via Reddit

2. Oh my God…look what close reading does. There will always be leaks, you just need to patiently identify them…one by one.


Via Reddit

3. The only ones who got a solid win out of this whole thing was the legal representatives, what say?

Via Reddit

4. This person shed some light on a very bitter reality of the world.


Via Reddit

5. The efforts were very much applauded.

Via Reddit

6. Ain’t nobody spotted that twist in the tale.


Via Reddit

Well, well, well! It was one to enjoy. I really didn’t expect OP to pull it out of the bag like that and throw the management under the very bus they tried to throw them under. But a lot of great lessons to learn from this one as well. Surviving in a corporate environment is not an easy job and you might get fired randomly for no reason. But the key is to keep your head high, shrug it off, and move on.

What is your say on this? Share your thoughts in the comments down below.


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